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Wow, this library is incredible and much larger than the one at home. I know where I will be at night and during the day. So many to choose from and like, where do I even start?

I'm curious about the true age of these books. I will probably start with the history of this land. I continued to walk more into the library. I'm starting to realize that nobody has used this place in a long time, as there are cobwebs in the fireplace and on the banisters. Dust on all the books and the furniture has a thick lair of dirt.

I see something out of the corner of my eye, and it's a family painting. The boy looks unhappy, and the girl is smiling from ear to ear. I take a step closer to see who they are and when this was painted, but the picture doesn't even have a date, but the clothing looks really old. The man in the picture looks evil and their mother looks like an angel. But pictures can be deceiving.

This place needs a good cleaning, but mom might not let me clean it. Maybe it's been untouched for a reason. There are a lot of paintings of werewolves and moons. They must have really loved wolves and the nighttime. My favorite animal is a wolf. Something about them just pulls me in and I love the moon as well. Maybe it's a far reach, but I wonder why I'm always going out at night and being pulled towards the moon. I wish I knew my actual parents. I could ask them why I was left at a random person's doorstep. Be nice if I was from a werewolf family or have werewolves' ancestors.

Anyway, there is a large door next to this painting, but it looks closed it off so that nobody could go wherever this goes. Knowing me, I will explore potential ways to access it.

I can be a nosey person, and it always gets me in trouble with my parents. I'm just a curious person when I want to be. My mom said it's the one thing she does not want me doing. I feel like she's hiding something or knows something I don't, and I will try getting in there later.

I walk around a little more and see some artifacts in a glass stand. One item was a skull with long canine teeth and the other item is beautiful blue ring. I wonder how old some of this stuff is. I really wish somebody would put dates on some of this stuff. It really bothers me. I hear someone make a noise behind me and it almost made me jump out of my body.

"Excuse me, miss, this part of the house is off limits''. She scared the shit out of me. Do people not knock anymore? ''Oh, I'm sorry. I didn't know. My mother didn't tell me it was. She must have forgotten to tell me.''

''No worries, the owner of this house doesn't want this area messed with, unfortunately. ''

''May I ask why that door is sealed?'' Sadness and hatred briefly crossed her face.

''long ago it was a dungeon for people who trespassing onto the old owner's property, and they would decide their punishment.'' What the fuck?

''Oh, that's horrible, those poor people.''

''Well, it was different back than and the old owner wasn't the nicest person. He was actually pretty awful. Nobody dared to mess with him, or they would be killed on the spot. Enough of the history lesson. I don't enjoy spending much time in here.''

She crosses her hands over her chest and walks away from that sealed door. ''Can I please just read in here at night? I promise I won't destroy or ruin anything. I love to read, and it would be nice to get away from everything.'' I waved my hand around.

The lady took a while to answer, and I had a feeling she would say no.

''Fine, but if the owner finds out, I let you in here. I'm blaming you as well. I will not take all the blame and do not attempt to open that door, or we both will be dead.''

''Okay, and thank you.'' She had a small smile on her face.

''If you need help or anything I will be in the kitchen making dinner''.

''What is your name?'' How rude of me to not ask her when she came in here.

''Katherine and yours?'' What a lovely name she has.

''Elena.'' Katherine froze like she had seen a ghost or something. Her face went white as a sheet. She kept mumbling something under her breath. Her eyes were staring off into space, and she kept blinking a couple of times.

''Miss Katherine?'' She shook her head and looked at me..

''May I ask how old you are''? That's a strange question to ask someone you just met, especially after scaring them.

''Why? I am 17.''

''Excuse me, miss Elena, enjoy the books and stay out of trouble.'' She gave me a pointed look.

She walked out like her ass was on fire. What the fuck was that? These people out here are weird. I know I said would not open that door, but fuck that, I will open it soon. Just need to find a crowbar or something. Let's see where I should start.

After removing all the sheets from the furniture, I folded them up and piled them to keep them out of the way. I'll have Katherine wash them later.

I really can't do much in here until I find some cleaning supplies.

I walked up the spiral staircase to the 2nd floor where all the non-fiction books mostly are. How did they keep these in such pristine condition all these years? I won't read much nonfiction since it is not my favorite genre. I like fantasy and romance novels.

I ascend another flight of stairs and find all the romance and fantasy books a girl would die for. The worn bindings of the books indicate that they have been well-used. I walk down an aisle, close my eyes, and run my finger along the spines of the books. I stop intermittently and open my eyes to see where my finger has landed.

I pull the book out and the title says, the legend of the Lycan. This looks nothing like a fantasy book. I open the book up and it's basically a biography of someone's life. I open the book and was surprised at the fine details of the drawing on the front page. A huge Lycan bearing its fangs. I guess this will do to pass by the time until I get bored with it. 

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