Chapter 46

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After talking to my birth mother, I decided not to listen and go tonight to find Draculas' castle. I knew I get myself in trouble when I don't listen, but I have a feeling someone might save me if it goes downhill... wishful thinking right? My dumbass is going to either get seriously hurt or die. 

I head back to town and find a store that at least sells better shoes than what I brought with me. Boots would probably be my best bet if I want some traction climbing uphill. I should eat dinner as well and never know I might get myself stranded knowing me. 

After finding some rather cute boots I headed off to this little diner on the corner and it's really cute and I bet it has been here for some time. I walk inside and everybody stares at me knowing I am not from here. I never understood why the town people do this to everyone that comes from the States. I am here on vacation not to cause any issues or anything. 

I sat down at the Conter waiting for someone to come get me a menu and take my order, but the waiters are nowhere to be seen. This place is weird, and I still can feel their eyes on me... Rude ass people if you ask me. 

The door to the kitchen open and the girl gives me a strange look and turns around and goes back to the kitchen. What the fuck is up with these people around here. Lost in my own thoughts I did not see her come back out and she scared the shit out of me. 

''I'm sorry miss I didn't mean to scare you. How can I help you?''

''No worries, I would like a menu please and some water.''

''No menus here, I can tell you what we have though''

''No menus? that's kind of strange.''


After naming off a few meals I decide to go with some sandwich and French fries. The girl kept saying they don't get my kind in here at all, which I thought was odd since this diner is a tourist grabber. Maybe the Americans don't like romaine food or something? What else could it be. I left the girl a nice tip even though she kept trying to give it back, apparently, they don't do tips in Europe. I told her to keep it and not to argue with me about it. She kindly took the money and said goodbye. 

I am so not used to Europe customs at all. I never really went to the town we were in when I was in Spain, so I guess I never learned their ways. I had to pay for water?! In America water is free and so were the public bathrooms but not here.

I pull the map out that jane gave too me and drew a line where I could start, which is behind the hotel. How ironic that is. Traveling alone sometimes really sucks, I wish Mag came along with me. Ever since she been dating that guy she has been in a better mood and is actually nicer to me as well. I'm happy she found someone for her, wish I had that, but the universe wants me to suffer like always. What's going to happen next? 

As I walk casual back to the hotel, I feel like someone has been watching me and my back keeps having this tingling feeling but not in a good way more like my body telling to keep an eye out on my surroundings. I ignore them and just keep walking towards the hotel which is not far from the town.  I hope I don't have this feeling when I go up the mountain terrain. I guess a nap won't hurt until the sunset. I will need some rest since I might be out all night. 

After a nice relaxing nap, I headed out and looked at the map trying to decide which way is my best bet. I could get a taxi for some of the trip, but I doubt the town peoples would even go near there since they looked scared even when I asked about directions. Not even that scary of a place, he is not even alive anymore so why even be scared? Maybe they believe in the folk lore of this place and are gullible of the tales their parents told them and so on. 

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