Chapter 34

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*Warning self-pleasure*


Years have gone by since that day. I feel in love with a monster or what they call a beast. Eric said a guy was coming for me, but he never came. That kiss was amazing. Sparks flew to my stomach and other places. When I kissed Kyle, it never felt like that. I never told Eric what it felt like when I kissed him.

Kyle and I broke up once I returned home. He confessed to everything and so did I. I had come to the realization that we were not meant for each other. I told my mother years after it happened; she wasn't too pleased with my actions, but she knew what I felt for him. I told her about what eric told me and her facial expression went from worried to pissed off. I didn't ask because I knew they all were hiding something from me.

I haven't spoken to Eric since the day I smacked his hand away on the stairs. It kind of hurt he hasn't asked how I have been or anything. We never went back to eric's castle in Spain, he didn't want us coming back there again. I guess fucking me was a mistake. What was I thinking falling in love with someone who is waiting for their person to come back to them? I only hurt myself. I can't blame him for my actions.

I finished high school and I'm already in my 3rd year of college. I haven't had time for friends or relationships even though I have been asked out a lot, but something keeps telling me not to say yes. Since I left Spain, I feel like someone has been watching me. I can tell because my body tingles every time. They are there but I never see them. I knew they have been watching me sleep because my blanket is always on me when I didn't put it on me. I fall asleep on my desk, and I always wake up in my bed somehow.

My sister mag went overseas to Europe for school, since she met a guy when we were on vacation, and they started dating ever since then. After I broke up with Kyle, I apologize to her when I thought she had lied to me. We are closer than we were before.

Classes are getting harder, but at least my mother has been helping me as well. The college is so close to home that I didn't want to rent out an apartment. Mom and dad wanted me close to home. I started working out and training since we return home. Some of my dad's work colleagues have been sparring with me and let's just say I never knew I was this strong. Training has been rewarding.

This summer, I'm going on a trip to Romania by myself. My parents have no clue that I am going. I need to find answers, and the only place that can help is where Transylvania used to be, since everybody is keeping things from me. I only dream of that guy I saw at Eric's place. I never interact with him and it's only him watching me every day. I feel like he is in my dreams manipulating them, but that's impossible.

Spring break is finally here, which means I can finally have time for myself. I don't remember the last time I had time to myself. With training with dad and school, I never have enough time to do anything I like. I want to read my books but all I have been reading for school is what I already know since reading mom's old college textbooks on mythology.

Someone knocked on my door.

″Elena, can I come in?″

″Yes, mother.″

She walked in with a couple of really fancy dresses and shoes. What now? There goes my plan for the weekend. Can this girl get a break for once?

″What are those for, mother?″

Her face shows regret. Great, what did dad sign us up for now?

″Your father and I have been invited to a charity event for kids that live in foster care and group homes. You and your siblings are coming along as well.″

″Do I have to, and is Mag coming home?″

″Yes, she is bringing her boyfriend as well. Sorry, the invitation said everyone in the home must attend. A lot of important people will be there. Your father is trying to get more funding for the group home we have here. Kids are not cheap, my dear.″

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