Who the fuck messed with my children?

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''Aphrodite!! What the hell have you done?''

Aphrodite heard Selene's tantrum while playing in the fountain of lust, like its nothing new for her to watch. Always the biggest bitch as well. It's her way or the highway. God, it's getting fucking old after so many millennials we been together.

''What have I done now, Selene? I don't have time for your bullshit today, sister.''

''You made my Descendent child mated too the fucking vampire king! She was already fated to Eric, the king of all Lycans and werewolves! Have you seen what you just done! You are going to destroy my children for your entertainment.''

''I did no such thing Selene, I would never fuck with fate. So please stop accusing me of such a thing.''

''Then who the flying fuck did, because I cannot un-mate them? This is out of my control, sister. Who would do such a thing? This is going to get ugly fast.''

''Which descendent is going to have a wild ride with death?''

''Don't say that, Aphrodite! She cannot be near that dreadful thing. She is too pure to meet death face-to-face sister.''

''Hades maybe? since I kind of rejected him again, that man can't take a hint after a one-night stand.''

''You did what with the king of the underworld?!''

''I fucked the empty soul back into his body or this pussy has him whipped after one night?''

''Gross Aphrodite, keep that shit to yourself.''

''You know I hate children with a passion. I don't need a minor god running around and being the prince of the underworld.''

Selene walked over to the mirror of the human realm to see Elena and eric in the library sitting on the couch. She thought if she could tweak around with fate maybe, just maybe, she will only love Eric, her first Lycan, and never love the vampire king too. She made Elena seduce eric and well it work and didn't at the same time. Hades is fighting eric to let this happen and not interfere, but somehow eric overturned Hades before he could mark her.

Selene is surprised that Eric regained control again, but Hades is furious with Eric. Hades knows she belongs to them, but magic block them out even Selene can't touch. Dark magic is nothing to play with. After the spell I guess you can call it that eric and Elena just realized what happen, but Selene didn't think they would mate so she was only trying to get him to mark her first so that the Mate bond would be unbreakable once that monster found her again.

''Selene, what were you thinking?! Look what you just did! She is now confused and empty! I am sure the vampire was in a lot of pain the whole time. He is going to kill eric!''

''They were not supposed to fuck... I had no control over what would happen. I thought she would be in Euphoria and would not know what was going on!''

''I know you thought you could help, but I'm pretty fucking sure you just made things worse for all 3 of them.''

''Elena is the next prophecy Aphrodite, which means she will be the creator and destroyer of both races she will become the queen of. Fate is going to murder me for this one. I barely interfere with my children. This cannot happen. That fucking witch screwed up everything. You sister are going to have a brief visit with Hades and get into his mind, but we know what you will have to do to get that information.''

''Are you fucking crazy and delusional? I am not fucking him again!''

''What's the worst that can happen? You falling for the king of the underworld, sis?''

''That man could never love even if he tired too. Why can't you send Dolos to do your dirty work?''

''He won't talk to me right now...''

''Did you use him again for your own gain?''

''Sure, let's go with that one sister.''

''What I don't understand is who was messing with Elena's dreams before this happened?''

''What are you going on about now?''

''Before you showed up, I went to take a look because I was bored, and they were talking, and she asked him what a mate was to him. He looked utterly confused because those books he had didn't have the mate portion in them because he ripped them out. She went on about werewolves and eric dismissed her question and told her they were basically a myth. Morpheus must be out of his cell again... I am going to kill Zeus for this. That bastard is having a field day again, that fucking man whore. What are you going to do now?''

''I can't do anything now. It's already too late. Fate will find out and chew my ass out. I just disrupted fate for a while. They will be mad because they can't change it back to normal. It will make a ripple effect in time. I can only watch this unfold until I really need to go back down and have a talk with them once they have mated. Her powers will only emerge once they both mark her, and I cannot let that happen. Her wolf will be hidden until eric marks her. What have I done?''

Selene is beating herself up over what she did but she only trying to save her children from a mass extinction. Selene didn't make the prophecy, it was her punishment for something she did to Hades long ago....

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