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The right-hand man kept banging on the werewolf king's bedroom door until he answered.

″For the love of God, what the fuck do you want? Can I ever get any peace and quiet in this damn castle?'' Eric muttered frustratedly, ''This better be fucking important or I will rip your fucking heart out!″

″I have some information about something important about her, your majesty.″ eric is wondering why his Lycan is trying to come out.

The door flew open and almost hit the man outside the door.The king changed into his Lycan form, and his breathing was heavy and his long fangs hanging out from his top lip. His eyes keep changing back and forth between his human and Lycan side.

His human side was trying to fight to stay in control, but the Lycan side wasn't having it. He never saw Eric's Lycan try to come out, but Hades pushes at the Lycan and came forward.

He wanted to know everything and make sure to make the right decision, as Eric always goes in full force while hardly thinks before he acts.

″Well, you going to say something or just keep that stupid look on your face. I do not have all night waiting for this information about my MATE!″ Stupid mutt. ''Hades shut up and let me talk to him!''

″Kat called me this afternoon about the family staying there for the month.″

″You mean the Alphas family I let rent my castle for the summer?″

″Yes, your majesty.″ Just spit it out already.

″Well go on, I don't have all fucking day.″

″Katherine said they have a daughter named Elena, and she is 17. She also mention she has red hair and bright green eyes, but she smells like a human and no trace of a wolf smell at all. This is the only lead we had in 17 years. It might be a good idea to go there and find out for ourself. She was also in the library and wanted to know about the closed off door.″

She better leave that damn door alone, or I swear to God.

″What did Katherine say to her?″ Hopefully, she didn't say too much.

″A lie and some of the truth. Her parents never told her that they were werewolves either, but the other two children are wolves but the youngest is soon to have his come forward. She has no idea why they never told her.″

″That's really dumb of them not to. How long are they going to keep that a secret? The boy will have issues controlling his anger and could turn in front of her. That can turn ugly in a matter of seconds. They can only blame them self for that.″ I wonder how they got her.

″Do you want me to investigate for you or you going to go and figure this out yourself?"

''I will wait a little before going since James should be back on Saturday from Spain. I have to watch over his territory for him until he gets back from doing gods knows what. They will be there for a while, so I have time to stop in and see her for myself.''

″Don't get your hopes up if it's not her. I don't need you coming back a bigger asshole than you are now.″

″Please don't start that shit. I'm really not in the mood for your observation about me. Stay in your lane, Alex.″

''Take care and stay out of trouble, Eric. he gave me a stern look, and I growled at him.

Eric was on edge about this news. He didn't know what to do about it. Should he go to Spain and meet this girl or stay back and let fate take place and see if she somehow comes back into his life unexpectedly? He has been waiting 17 for any sighting of her, but he feels like it should have been a different situation, not this way. He is conflicted and unsure about what course of action to take.

God forbid she ever went against Katherine's rule and open that door. There are still werewolves and vampires down there that don't need to see another day of light.

The king needs to go for a long run to make his choice. He knows Hades will fight him about going and will never hear the end of it if they don't go and just check this out.

As the night went by, the werewolf king still hadn't made a decision, so he went to see the one person who he could maybe count on. She may be a bitch, but she was still his mother. He was convinced that he could manage everything by himself and didn't want to rely on her for help in any way.

I walked towards my mother's side of the castle. This hallway has never changed. It's always been dark ever since father died 500 years ago. Same pictures that I hated to see. They always seem to haunt me. My mother changed the day she lost her mate. She would always bright up any room she went into.

She did her best as queen even though father didn't want her to do anything but take care of us and look pretty on her throne when she was needed. She was never to speak in meetings unless father let her. Which was really never unless for events or other women matters.

Before I could even knock, the door swung open, almost hitting me. What the fuck is her issue?

″Mother is not here. She went out and I have no idea where or what she is doing.″

″Why did you have to swing the door open so hard? Are you hiding from somebody, or did you get into trouble again in the village?″

″That is none of your business, your majesty, go bother someone else with your problems.″

″Watch your tone with me sister, I hope you know it is my business since this is my kingdom and the last time I checked; I am your KING! I will find out what you did. When she comes back, tell her I need her in the throne room, and I will drag her ass down here if she refuses to do so. Now fuck off, you entitle bitch.″

″Well, fuck you too, you dirty Mutt!″

God, she makes me want to pull my hair out! Why did they spoil her so much? I feel bad for her mate if she ever finds him, poor fella. Mother left the castle, which is really odd since she has not left this castle since the war. What is she up to now? I know it's nothing good either. 

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