Chapter 45

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Meanwhile, in the Werewolf kingdom,

''Where the fuck is she, Alex? I gave you an order and you could not follow it correctly?''

''Eric, I couldn't simply take her forcefully at a human airport. Plus, she was scary looking when she told me that if you ever thought about her, she would rip your balls off. I wonder what she would have done if I tried to kidnap her? I would like to keep my balls where they are. Plus, this is your fault in the first place, not mine or anybody else here.''

''If you and I were not friends, I would have probably killed you by now. I still could rip your tongue out for the way you just talked to me. Just get out of my damn sight before I throw you out my damn window.''

''Would not be the first time that has happened either.''

Once that asshat shut my door, I threw my coffee mug at the door. I would have kidnapped her if I had gone myself and picked her up. Everyone knows not to mess with me here since they all know who I am. Do I have to do everything myself to get anything done at this point? Why was it even an issue when I told her to quit that slutty job and I would give her money or anything she wanted, but no, she wanted to be a bitch about it, so I just gave it right back to her?

Once James came into the picture, it got even worse for everyone. She is mine and I will be damn if he takes her from me. I don't care. She is his mate, but I saw her first, and I fucked her first. Call me a selfish asshole, but I am done being nice at this point.

Why is she even here if she does not want to see either of us? I asked her father, but he didn't give me a straight answer. I hope she doesn't do something reckless again. That woman is going to give me gray hair and we werewolves don't even get gray hair until we are like old as fuck.

It has been over 20 years since my mate was kidnapped and as her mate; I failed her. I was supposed to protect her from everything and everyone who wanted to hurt her. To this day, I still have the urge to find her, but with no trace of her for 20 years. How do you find someone you can't even smell anymore? Every day I question myself if I am even a wonderful king to my people. Everyone tells me it's not my fault she's gone. I still beat myself up every day over this.

Am I filling the hole in my heart with Elena because I'm lonely, or do I really love her? What happens if my mate does show up one day? Do I just drop everything for her, or do I pick Elena over her? I just hope that day never comes. I need to summon Selene today and ask her what's going on. She likes to give riddles as an answer, which really ticks me off.

The sun is going down for the night and I need to go on a run to clear my mind. Tonight, is a super moon which affects every wolf including me. Of course, it makes us horny as hell and the only thing I can use is my damn hand. I have only touched Elena and I don't plan on fucking anyone else.

It feels like we were meant for each other, but she wants to make things difficult for the both of us. I know she is not my mate, but I feel this connection with her, but I wonder if Hades is picking her. That's why I have feelings for her or I really love her by my own means.

Hades is getting more agitated by the day, and he has been nothing but a complete dickhead to me and everyone around us. He blames me for messing it up with Elena daily and I wish I could choke him to death sometimes. The council is worried I might go feral soon without my mate, but they can shove that thought up their ass. I am not listing to a bunch of old hags about myself. They would have never pulled this shit with my father, so why me? They should respect me and fear me at the same time.

I strip and shift into my wolf and jump from my office balcony. The wind in my fur and face feels amazing and I feel content for the first time in a while. My paws hit the ground so hard that the air gets a vibrating feeling so everyone in the kingdom knows their king is running. They know not to come out and bother me. I run towards my hiding place. I have not been there in a long time, and I miss the way the cold water feels on my fur.

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