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Waking up in the busy city of New York was dreadful. Out of all places, why did I pick this one, oh that's right, blood bags that walk on the streets. Nobody would suspect if anyone around here went missing or misplaced. Even at night, this place never stops moving, and it was annoying.

I've been here for so long and so much as changed in the buildings and the technology. The architecture here was so odd and pretty ugly. I can't wait to go back home, I miss my family and the delicious town people. Here soon it will be time to take back my throne and the kingdom. My people thought I was dead since nobody has seen me in Romania in a very long time.

I have a nightclub here for the supernatural creatures, but the werewolves are not allowed in here. They cause too much trouble and always break something in the club. The humans can't see the club because of a spell I had cast to keep it hidden in plain sight. I will invite some humans, but they don't remember anything after they leave here.

I just want to go back home, but every time I try, it's not the right time. I'm waiting for that alpha to tell me when his mate is ready to be turned. At first, I didn't want to trust him, but he gave me intel on the king and what has been going on since I left. So, I ask him what he wanted in return, and I agreed to it.

There are not many of us alive anymore. The war killed most of my kind. The only ones who survived were the children, women, and some men. We hid them before the war broke out. The werewolf king doesn't know they are still alive, and it needs to stay that way.

I have my right-hand man making sure they eat and stay alive. They have been underground for 500 hundred years. You're wondering why they have been down there for so long. If they leave, they are scared that someone will kill them. We smell awful to werewolves, so we would be easy to find.

They are waiting for me to return because I can help them stay alive. I have a feeling I will be going home very soon.

It was nice to have a break from my responsibility from being a king, but the club also is a big headache. I will need to find someone I trust to take over once I leave. Definitely will not be missing this city. I need peace and quiet once I return home. I wonder if they know their king is coming home.

It's midnight, and the land line is ringing. I really hope it's not bad news. I walk over and answer the phone. Before I could say anything, alpha Michael talked first.

''It is time to come home your majesty, we have a big problem over here. The vampire you gave me is now dead, thanks to the werewolf king. Somebody kidnapped my daughter, and she is the king's mate. There is chaos in the kingdom since we had no idea where she was or who took her. He is killing a lot of our kind. His wolf took over, so we might have a chance to take back the kingdom that was once yours.''

''I'll be leaving tomorrow morning than I'm sorry to hear about your daughter, alpha. I will help you in any way to find her. I'm guessing the Luna is ready to be turned?''

''Yes, but I am still skeptical that it will be good for her. She thinks once it's done, she can run off and try to find our daughter. She doesn't realize it's not that simple. I have tried everything to tell her to listen to the risk, but she won't listen to me and if I bring it up, she starts throwing things at me.''

''I will help her through the transition. I'm going to be honest. It's going to be really hard at first, but she will get her cravings under control. I will see you in 2 days, Alpha. Goodnight.''

After hanging up the phone, I went to the bathroom to take a shower. The shower was decent, not too big or too small. I got undressed and turn the shower on. I hopped in and washed my hair and body. I started washing my dick and body started thinking of my mate. I wonder how she would look like with my dick in her mouth and how her lips would feel on my body. I started slowly stroking my cock and how my cock would feel like when she was sucking it. In no time, my seed shot onto the shower tiles. I cannot wait to meet her; I don't know how much more time I can wait.

I start walking down the stairs to my car. I have a 1987 Chevy impala. I hop in, and turn the ignition and drove out of the apartment garage. I headed towards my club the last time before I leave. I will not miss the annoying people. I drive to Manhattan, where my club is located. At least traffic isn't as bad after midnight. It is a 10-minute drive from my apartment. I pull up to the back of the club. I get out of my car and see that it is a full moon, great the werewolves are going to be crazy tonight, there goes my peace and quiet tonight.

I walk inside my club and it's already packed thanks to the full moon. It seems it has affected every supernatural creature tonight but me. It must be a super moon then. The moon does not affect me unless it turns red. I see the manager making out with some Fae girl. He can never keep his hands to himself. He sees me and pushes the girl away, and she goes and smacks his face. He is shocked and all I do is laugh my ass off. He walks away all pissed off. I follow him to my office.

''Dude that was not funny at all. Fuck my face hurts.''

''Well, you kind of pushed her pretty hard, nix, plus your face was priceless. I am going home nix, you will be the owner of my club while I'm away for a while.''

''You sure I can run this shit show while you are gone?''

''I don't trust anyone else but you since I did, sire you. I leave tomorrow morning for Romania. It is time I take back my kingdom and throne. That damn werewolf king is making chaos over there, killing his own kind since somebody kidnapped his mate.''

''Dude, that is awful, not. Like he really deserves a mate after the shit he did to our kind. I lost my wife and kid because of him.''

''I know, I'm sorry. I started that war after I killed his father. My flight is at 4 so I better get back and start packing my stuff, take care my friend. Take care of my club please, and no werewolves either.''

I leave and head back to my apartment. I'm ready to take back my throne and I don't care what the cost is. My people need their king back and hopefully a queen soon.

Too clear things up on the shower part. James has no idea his mate is a baby.

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