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Never once did a female ever catch my attention. Most girls only wanted me because I was king, and they were title climbing whores. I should not be thinking about her. She is still a minor and I am not going to steal some innocent girl's virginity. How would I know if she was the one or not?

I need to go on a run and clear my mind from her. I can't think straight when I am around her and a female has never done that to me before. I don't understand why she is affecting me like this; she doesn't smell good to me, and Hades has not said a word since we saw her for the first time. This makes no sense at all, and I don't know if I will ever figure out what she is to me. This is going to drive me insane or make me pull my hair out.

I shift into my wolf form and run like there is no tomorrow. Running wild is something different, but it's amazing.

Like smelling the moss and the smell the forest has after it has rained. I haven't run here in many years, but I still can remember which ways to go. I can tell that kat has been running again. Her scent is everywhere, which means she went running yesterday.

The only reason kat stays here is because her mate is in the dungeon below the library. Vampires and werewolves are never mates, but hers is. He has never been a good person; he killed every chance he could, and he was finally caught and sentenced to death but somehow, she convinced the council to keep him prisoner here. I envy her.

I doubt the moon goddess matched them together. Somebody was playing around with fate. Whoever did it was either cruel or thinking it was funny to play around with mating people when they were not supposed to.

I won't be staying here for long. Elena has clouded my mind. I should be excited that she is possibly mine, but I don't want to give my hopes up. I would move fucking mountains for her or really anything. If it's meant to be, she will find me again or something will pull her towards me.

I hear footsteps behind me, and I know who they belong to. The last person I want to see when I am here. My aunt's son Vinny, alpha of this region. Annoying little prick as well. I shift back into my human form, but I really want to shift into my Lycan form so he will go away.

''It is an honor to have you here, your Majesty!''

''How did you know I was back? And why are you here?''

''The air around here had shifted a week ago. mind putting on some pants, don't need to see your cock hanging out in its full glory.''

''I haven't been here that long? Well, don't look, you pervert.''

''let me guess, the vampire king is in Spain or is somebody else?''

''I don't care who the fuck it is. What the fuck do you want, alpha?''

''I am very surprised that you are here?''

''You and me both. Get to the point, I am in no mood to play around and you disturbed my peaceful run.

''We are having the annual summer solicited festival and it be nice for your people to see you for once.''

I would rather poke myself in the eyeball with a burning hot stick.

''I'll pass on that. I am leaving soon to go back to my kingdom and away from annoying little shits like you.

''Thanks. That means a lot to me. That's how you see me. I heard your mother finally come out of her wing and is outside for once.''

Now this has me stopped dead in my tracks. How does this fucker know she is out and about? ''I am going back to running and please, for the love of God, leave me alone and I was never here.''

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