What did I just do?

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I woke up in Hades' bed once again. What the fuck is wrong with me? Damn you, Selene. I put my clothes back on and walk out his room to leave and never look back. Why does he want me? He can have anybody he wants with a flick of his fingers. I am done doing my sister's dirty work.

''Leaving so soon, my love?''

Fuck, I was really hoping he was not home.

''Yes, because this was a mistake Hades, we should have never fucked again. I can't be with you, and you know it.''

Hades looked hurt when I pointed out the obvious. Fuck, please stop with that look. It makes me feel horrible.

''I don't think it was a mistake Aphrodite, I really like you and I want you to be mine for eternity!''

''We can't Hades! I am not repeating myself and I am leaving and don't come for me either.''

''What happens if you become pregnant?''

What is he going on about?

''What do you mean, Hades?!''

''We didn't use any protection, love, so which means it is possible for you to bear my child.''

What in the actual fuck was I thinking?

''Well, let's hope that does not happen Hades.''

''Whatever Aphrodite, just don't come back then. Goodbye.''

With that, he left me alone with Cerberus, whining about his master's change of demeanor. ''It's okay boy, it's better off this way. I do love him, but this would never work out for the both of us. Don't tell him I said that either got it?''

I walk back up to Mount Olympus to bitch at Selene again. If she messes with mortal affairs again, fate is really going to put a stick up her ass.


''What now, Aphrodite?''

''Next time you can deal with your own issues, I am never going back to the underworld.''

''What happen this time, sis? You fuck him again?'' She said in a taunting way. Fucking bitch...

''That is none of your business and what are you doing with your goddess necklace?!''

''Oh, nothing of your concern. Just going to play a little game with Eric and Elena.''

''Stop messing with mortal affairs, Selene, and leave your first creation alone. You are going to make things worse for him!''

''Maybe they will realize they are mates once I put this down there for Elena to take for her own collection. Once she touches it, it will glow and eric should know what she is to him. Then he can call me down and I can explain this shit.''

''You are delusional, Selene. What makes you think he will let her touch that once he lays eyes on it? What happened that you needed to make up this disastrous plan of yours's?''

''Her and James' mate bond is growing, and I need that to slow down because Eric needs to mark her soon.''

''Did you bump your head or something? Her bond with James will grow and there is nothing you can do about its Selene! We cannot undo that bond. Just leave them alone. I am sure things will change soon.''

''I am doing what I think is best for them. I barely let any of my children have more than one mate unless they are twins, but I do that rarely. I wish I could break James and Elena's bond, but unfortunately, I am not that powerful enough to do so. Even I have my own limits on what I can do.''

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