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Since the morning after we arrived here, a rainstorm started and has not let up once in the past few days.

So, I've been in the library most of the time. That lady Katherine has been acting weird since we talk 3 days ago. Every time I walk into the kitchen, she walks out of the room. I barely see her in the house and she always goes into the woods for hours at night. I'm not a stalker, just curious why she is acting like this.

I'm pretty sure I should not be reading this or touching it, but oh well. I have read a lot of Lycan and werewolf books, but nothing like this.

This guy has gone through some awful stuff in his childhood. I could not imagine being in his shoes. His father sounds like a complete dickhead. No idea how someone could treat their children like that.

I hope this rain stops soon so I can sit in the garden and read, but knowing my mother would want to go see this country. Don't get me wrong, she doesn't care that I read a lot, but we are on a family vacation, so she wants us to spend time together before dad's work schedule gets packed with new projects.

Maybe I can ask mom about touring some of the older castle here and get to know its history. I hope to God my sister doesn't make us go shopping for clothes here. She is such a drag sometimes. I do love her, but sometimes I want to tell her off so badly.

I still haven't figured out yet how I am going to open that door yet. I will have to do it at night when everybody is sleeping and I'm going to wait for that lady to go into the woods. Maybe she's in a cult or has a lover. The party is tomorrow night, so I hope the rain does not stop. I don't do well in enormous crowds.

Magnolia is the attention seeker. I think parties are boring anyway, the one mom drags us to are nothing but old whiny rich people with nothing to do better with their time. All they talk about is how my generation had it easier than they did.

Knowing my luck, the rain will stop by then and I will be forced to go to some lame old person's party again. There better be some good damn wine if I'm going along. Maybe they will have a library as well. It would take mom awhile before she knows I ditch the party.

I pick the book back up and continued reading where I left off. This king is one awful person. How can his wife be so blind to his horrible ways? Hopefully somebody kills him off, and his wife sees what kind of monster he really is. The raindrops are loud against the windows. It's so weird because mom checked the weather, and it was not supposed to rain at all on our trip here.

After a few hours of reading that book, I decided it was time to go see what's for dinner, I'm surprised mom has not come for me. God, this place is creepy at night, the thunder cracking every so often against the ground making me jump since that shit is pretty loud tonight. It's upsetting that mom and dad can't buy this place, but beggars can't be choosers. Whatever that fucking means, mom sometimes says the weirdest shit when she's drinking.

Over the years, you can tell they updated some of the furniture and appliances, but kept everything else the same. I hear a squeaking noise near me and then the damn thing climbed up my fucking leg and I screamed and kicked my leg, and the stupid mouse flew off my leg and smacked the wall. I hate tiny rodents. They are nasty creatures.

I really hope that mouse wasn't infected with rabies or any other illness. Looks like that lady is going to have to clean the dead mouse. The damn storm must have made them come inside. Why did God make those ugly things? They don't have a purpose here, but eat our food and shit everywhere they please.

The kitchen is completely empty, and no food is out on the table either. I wonder where they went at this time of night. I look in the fridge and there is nothing made either. Maybe mom is going to order something for dinner instead of that lady's nasty cooking. I would love to try food in town, but this storm doesn't want to let up. Of course, that book has kept me busy, and I forgot to eat lunch again. The book was so good though, and I didn't want to put it down.

″What are you doing, sister?″ I jumped in my skin because she scared me. ″Fuck, you didn't have to scare me like that, mag.

''Where is everyone at?″ She rolls her eyes at me.

″They are talking in the study room with that weird lady and a very handsome man.″

Half the men she said were handsome were not or even good looking. ″What guy? I haven't seen him around or any man around since we arrived.″

″He owns this house, and it sounded like the talk was serious. Dad looked like he was going to have a heart attack. I guess he knew the man. He lives in Romania and never comes here unless he needs to. He arrived not too long ago. I guess you would not know since you were nose deep into a book again.″

″So how hot is he?″

Why the fuck did I ask her that?

″He looks like prince Eric from the little mermaid, but way hotter, taller, and so ripped. Mom said leave them alone, that man doesn't like to be interrupted. He has a bad temper and not an excellent reputation at the moment. He has this powerful energy coming from him. It makes me want to submit to him.″

″Gross, I do not need that detail, mag; you share too much sometimes.″

″I'm sorry, miss virgin. Live a little, would you?″ At least I don't open my legs for anyone, unlike you.

″I'm saving myself for Kyle when we get married after college. Sorry you already gave yours up for nothing.″

"You don't know about what Kyle did, do you?″ I froze. ″What are you talking about, mag? Kyle is saving himself for me.″ Her face was full of sorrow.

″That night you didn't go to that bonfire party. He got so drunk and fucked some random girl.″

I stood there like a deer in headlights, trying to understand what she had just said. There is no way he would do that to me. We tell each other everything. No, I can't believe her. She's just jealous of our relationship since she can't keep her boyfriends around because she's such a bitch to them after a while.

I trust him not to hurt me or cheat on me, but what if she is telling the truth, and he did give some girl his virginity and would I be able to forgive him or not? Magnolia walked away, saying she's sorry she didn't tell me sooner.

I turned around and ran towards the library with tears running down my face in denial. I didn't care about my surroundings, and I bump into something hard, and I almost fell on my ass, but a hand caught my waist before I could fall.

It's the man who owns the house, I am guessing, and my god he is so handsome. I stare into his beautiful blue eyes and his hair was black as coal. Nice defined chin and cheeks. Long eyelashes I would die for.

I realize I've been staring at him too long and I see him smirking at me, knowing I have been looking at him.

″Thank you, but can you please take your hand off my waist Sir.″ He lets go of my waist and now I feel cold.

"You should really watch where you are walking, little girl. I don't like people running in my house″.

″I'm sorry, excuse me.″ Fucking ahole. "What is your name?″ Why does he want to know my name? I bit my lip, debating if I should tell him to fuck off or not.

″Elena and yours's?″ Please don't have a weird name.

″Eric, why were you running anyway? Did a mouse crawl on you again?″ A small lined his face.

″It's none of your fucking business, and how did you know about that?″

″I heard you scream. My hearing is really good, well whatever it was that made you cry, and you're too pretty to be crying.

″You should really have that mouse problem taken care of then. That thing could of bit me and I could have gotten rabies and die. Adopted a cat. They love those nasty things.″

″I hate cats and you're pretty bold at trying to boss me around in my house. I don't like little brats telling me what to do.″

I slammed my boot on his foot and called him a bitch in Spanish, and walked away from that asshole. He makes me get so riled up, so easily, and I never get that upset or mad like that. My mom is going to be laughing at him if he tells her what I did.

I need to find that wine cellar and drink an entire bottle and read until I'm too drunk to read. I will have to call Kyle on Saturday and ask him if he did that. I really hope it's not true because if it is, I don't know what I'm going to do.

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