Stupid Elena

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Once I heard his voice, I knew I was in major trouble with this asshole. Why do I do dumb things without thinking first? That door kept drawing me in. So I blame the door, not me...

The air shifted and my knees got weak but not in a good feeling. Something sinter was going on behind me. That growl that came from his chest was not hot more like I dare you to run, little girl. I turn around and I swear his eyes were black and not inviting.

He looked like a demon from hell. If I was not in this situation, I would think he was even sexier. Fear tore into my chest, and I felt like all the air was being taken from me slowly. What is going on with me?

How did he even know that I was in here doing this? Was he watching me and waiting for me to hurt myself or worse? Before I knew it, my mind had its own mind and started walking to the door to get away from him. My mind was screaming no, but I could not control myself.

I was almost out until he started talking and my body froze with terror. I mentally slapped my stupid self.

His voice almost made me fall to my knees, but I tried to stay calm and zone him out. I ran out that door fast as I could and ran all the way to my room and almost bumped into Katherine, but she moved fast enough to not get hit. How did she do that? I am sure I would have slammed right into her. Something is wrong with these people here, but what?

I made it up the stairs, and I was almost there, but my mom saw me and took me in and saw the blood and her eyes went wide but before she could get to me, I ran into the room and slammed the door and locked it.

I could hear her outside telling me to open this door right now. I kept saying no; I was fine and to go away. After several minutes, she stopped, and I heard her walk away. I am sure she is getting dad to do something for me to open this door, but I am not budging.

I can't see their faces when I have royalty fucked up. This is not me. I never do this shit. I am the obedient daughter. I need to leave soon and go back home.

Few minutes go by, and suddenly half of this place is shaking, What the fuck is going on now? Big man down there having a hissy fit. Or is God upset at my actions? I look at my wounds and, well, this is going to leave some nasty scars. I'm sure I have some broken ribs and other things I can't see.

I don't know why, but when he glowered at me, it kind of hurt and his face said it all. Why am I feeling like this toward a man who obviously thinks I am annoying? Don't get me wrong, any girl or women would melt at this man's handsome face and body you would want to lick until you both became aroused enough to fuck like animals.

What did I just think? I am acting like a horny teenage girl.

I walk towards the window and see Eric and a furious man arguing about something. They both are wet and it's amusing they fought and ended up in the pool that I haven't seen before. Eric looks like a child that didn't get his way. Poor him, not.

Every time I stare at this other man, I get a feeling like he would love and protect me in a heartbeat. Why am I thinking like this or feeling like this towards any man but my soon to be Ex-boyfriend?

I look over and see Fucker staring at me like I'm about to be a dead girl. God, what is his problem? I walk away so I don't see that face he is giving me. It hurts too much. I never really took the time to look around in this room.

This person is miserable. The walls are black, but when the sun shines on them, so they kind of have a shine on them. The bed is a beautiful piece. I was surprised that they picked this thing since this room doesn't feel inviting at all. Even the flooring is black carpet, and the curtains are even black.

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