Man child

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Eric starts throwing things around in the library and breaking things. Eric sees James and starts yelling at him about not stopping her, but when Eric hears that, James found his mate before him. All hell breaks loose.

Eric changes into his Lycan form and charges at James before he could change into his monster form. James flies back into a bookcase and the bookcase cracks in half. I am sure the entire house can hear what is going on. Elena runs faster to her room. When she hears the banging noises coming from the library.

James goes into his fighting stance and picks Eric up and then throws him through the window and he falls into the pool. Eric is back in his human form while James is in the air, using his wings to keep him from falling back into the pool. Eric tells James what is in the basement and James' eyes turn red and fly down to punch eric in the face for the fact Elena's safety was at risk and she could have been killed if she really opened that door.

How could he know that she was James's mate? He understood where James was coming from, but it hurt that he found his mate and his was still missing. What would he do now that he found her? Take her back home with him or let her live the rest of her teenage years and college years before he took her?

Hades didn't like the way eric was thinking. Hades wanted her for himself, but he knew he could not be selfish and take somebody else mate from them. He knew what would happen if he did that to James.

Moments of silence and Eric finally said something and James's look like he wanted to kill him. James knew the outcome if he took her now and didn't wait until she was of age or let her finish her somewhat adult years having free time until she didn't have time for herself.

Katherine comes out to see what all the ruckus is. She knew one day they would be at each other's throat but seeing James in this from petrified her to death. She didn't know how to help in their minor disagreement.

When they were kids, they always fought like this, but something was different this time. The pain in eric eyes said it all. She may not like James now, but she didn't want him on Eric's wrath of destruction. She wanted nobody on that end on him. They still haven't noticed yet that she was with them.

"What the fuck happened? Elena is hurt and you're both fighting like children!″

″That stupid child almost opened that door to the basement. That's why she is bleeding. Did the doctor get to her?″

″Don't call my mate stupid. She is just a curious teenager. Plus, you should have been keeping an eye on her and making sure she was okay.''

″I told her not to do that, and she did it anyway! She does not listen to me, and it irks me.″

″Your Alpha tone was unnecessary on her. It could have killed her, you stupid fucking dog!''

″Good, maybe next time she will listen to me! Don't call me that you leach. I'm leaving today and never coming back, ever.″

Eric furiously wiping his hair out of his face and stomping in strides, trying to get away from us and I hate to say this, but it's funny watching him like this since he did the same thing as a child.

I can't believe these two today. Eric is acting like a spoiled brat and James made him more pissed. James finally found his mate, but I feel bad for that poor girl upstairs. Her life is about to change in a big way.

″What are you going to do now that you found her, James?″

″Not a clue. I will have to talk to her parents. I really want to take her with me, but I don't want to put all of this on her right now, either. She needs to live out the rest of her teenage years and some adult life. She's not ready to be a queen to vampires that she doesn't even know exists.″

″I would never suggest this, but maybe you should reject her? She is too innocent for this world of supernatural's.″ James's eyes turn red and he hisses at me. What a childish thing to do.

″No, I will never let that fucking happen. I have waited too damn long for her and now that I have found her. Don't have any intentions of letting her go. I want Eric's sticky hands off of her and I know Hades has interest in my fucking mate and that fucking pisses me off.″

″I don't think Hades has any effect on how Eric feels about Elena. He's clearly already in love with her, James. I have a hunch, but you won't like what I am about to say.″

″I'm all out of patience for today, so get to the point, Katherine.″

"I think she is Eric and your mate.″ He looks at me like I grew two heads.

″Over my dead fucking body. I am not sharing my mate with him. Plus, it's unheard of.''

''Maybe for vampires, but not werewolves. But it's usually twin alphas that share a mate.''

''I highly doubt that is going on between us right now.''

James storms away while tucking his wings away. He walks the opposite direction eric went. I look up and see Elena looking at where Eric and James were standing. I wonder if she saw everything or just looked out the window. But knowing that James wants to hide from her, I doubt he let her see him as a monster.

Elena is completely unaware of the impending upheaval her world is about to experience. And I unfortunately can't say a word to her. 

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