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Meanwhile, the witch is rushing thru the mountain terrain. She keeps looking behind her because she keeps hearing twigs and other noises. The witch knew there's no way they found out who took the baby. She made sure her own coven didn't remember what she told them and as soon as she left; she placed a spell, so they forget her as well.

Once she did this, she was not going to return home to her coven. She was almost at the airport in Moldova; she was taking the baby to another country far away. That would be the last place the king would look for her. She was finally to see the lights for the city she was going to. She could finally take a break before she went any further.

She was in a time crunch to get on a plane before the king alerted the rest of the wolves of a missing pup in the kingdom. She could tell this child was human, no trace of a wolf in her. She could get by with taking this baby with her on the plane. No wolf could sniff a wolf's scent from her. She's not surprised since the Luna only had some wolf in her. She starts walking again towards the city. The baby was sound asleep.

She put a sleeping spell on the baby until they got on a plane and away from any danger. The walk took another 2 hours from the mountain area and they finally made it to the city, and she flagged down a taxi since she could not walk the rest of the way to the airport. The taxi driver asked în cazul în care să rateze? she replied aeroportul vă rugăm să. The ride was about 10 minutes long to get to the airport. She never liked small talk, so she kept to herself the entire ride. She thanked the driver and pay him 5 dollars for the ride.

She walked inside to the nearest desk to buy the tickets. The lady asked at the counter where she was headed too today?

"Two tickets to Virginia, please. The earliest flight out if possible.''

Lady said the next one is in 2 hours and the cost is 300 Ron. The witch handed her the money; the ticket was printed, and she rushed off to get thru TSA, to get cleared to broad the plane. She went to the bathroom so that she could use a spell to make her look like her passport.

She rushed out of the bathroom and made it to the line and she was relieved to find only 3 people were in front of her. It was her turn; they ask her why she was going to America? She wanted to visit her parents so they could see their new grandchild. The tsa man didn't ask any further questions.

She was able to go thru the check station; they deem her safe to travel on the plane. She was let thru to find the gate for the airplane to America. Surprised there wasn't many werewolves working today. Witches could sniff out other supernatural creatures. She was at the gate to the plane. It took off in 35 minutes.

Enough time to find her seat and use the bathroom. The pane was smaller than the other ones they had, it only occupied about 40 people or fewer. She went thru the terminal and was met by a very pretty flight attendant. She checked her ticket and told her what seat she was sitting in. She went down the aisle; she found her seat and put her bag in the overhead thing. Sat down and could finally relax, she wonders if the king was losing it now and on a killing spree. The plane was taking off; she was almost safe and the baby.

The witch and the baby have arrived in America. She can finally take a deep breath of fresh air and doesn't have to keep looking over her back. The witch had time to make a plan on what she will do with the baby. She will find the farthest firehouse and drop the baby off and watch to make sure the baby gets taken inside. As long as she is still alive, the spell will stay in place. She's hoping the baby has a wonderful family and that she never returns home.

She flagged down a taxi, and she gets in and tells the driver to drive far from here until they reach a very rural area and that she wants to be dropped off at the firehouse in that town. The driver starts to drive towards the exit to the highway and to the countryside of Virginia.

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