Death's fact and acceptance

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First step

He was sitting bolt upright with his knees up and apart from each other with his hands loosely wrapped around his knees. 

His hair looked so soft, I wondered how comfortable it would feel if I touched it. I can tell from his back that I have seen more than once. He was the strange guy. I know why he was here and, to be honest, I am not in the mood to talk. 

I patted his back with the sole of my feet as I said "Excuse me, Are you lost?" 

He turned his face halfway before he stood abruptly. I raised my eyebrows and smiled at him. He didn't return that back. He was angry. His eyebrows arched while he dusts his behind off. 

"Finally, you opened!" He claimed. He has been sitting here for hours. Wouldn't blame him for being angry. Even though it was his choice to stay. I locked the door before I started my way to the restaurant. And he was coming after me. 

"You know how many hours I have been sitting there, waiting for you to open the door! And now you're being cold hearted!" He shouts the last sentence. 

Passing several malls and bars, I cross the street and walk down further to the restaurant. Once I reach the restaurant, the strange guy opens the door for me. I stare at him for once, admiring his kindness. What an angry, kind gentleman! 

When I entered the restaurant, I spotted the empty table in the corner. As soon as we were seated, the waitress arrived with the menu. This restaurant is like my life. For years, I had my lunch and my dinner here. Even when Aidan was here, our date, our anniversary etc would start from here. I don't need to see the menu to ask what I want because I know the menu better than the manager himself. 

"What's up, Sianna," Kyle, the waitress said. I stood as I embraced her. The headache was bounding on my head but wasn't worse than the voices my stomach was making. God, this is embarrassing! I pulled and sat down. 

"Well, look what we have here!" She beams at the strange guy as she flips her long black hair. He raises his eyebrows in surprise and stares at me. I know! This is crazy! 

"Kyle, I want the big size of french fries with ketchup and cola at the side, Please," I ordered. She was making prolonged eye contact with him as she played with the shirt tied around her waist. She was behaving kittenish. 

"I know what you want, what I want to know is what he wants," her voice was low and slow. She was trying to get into his pants. I feel sorry for her. She wasn't choosing the right guy. If she only knew what that handsome face kept behind. 

She touches his hands softly as she winks at him. Wow, this is pretty normal and uncomfortable. 

"Water is fine by me," the strange guy answers harshly, picking her hands away from him. Someone is not interested. What were you thinking? Duh?! 

She smirked, "Serve you right away," she said amorously. She was wearing a blue pink short skirt and as she walked away, the strange guy was lusting on her long legs. As a matter of fact, a man is always a man. 

I cleared my throat as his eyes concentrated on me and his eyes caught my attention. I know this sounds stupid somehow but his eyes always make my heart escape a beat. This feeling, I never felt except with Aidan. Why? Maybe because he was feeling the same pain I felt for the past months. 

Everyone has that defining moment in life. That one choice you have to make. I had my moment, and it has haunted me ever since. In those defining moments, you either pave a road to happiness or you regret every step from then on. For me, I don’t know which road would have been the best, because, between my two choices, neither of them included him. 

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