Nevaeh Blake

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A/N: Hi, how are y'all? I hope everyone is in good health and wealth.
I know I am updating after such a long time and I am sorry. However, I am going through the worst time of the year. I am still in the hospital, I thought there was progress and there was progress but not for the good. I am not eating anything and the little I do something I lose my energy.
Anyway, sorry, I will try to update as fast as I can. Thank y'all and please remember me in your prayers.
Without any further due, dive into the chapter...

Sianna’s POV

I slowly opened my eyes to unexplained darkness. My vision is blurred, my head is hurting, my thoughts are disoriented and my body is worn up completely. I sensed the coldness of the hardwood beneath me before the humming voice of a girl vibrated in my ears and I moaned as I forced my eyes to open. My eyebrows furrowed as a wall covered with papers was in sight. I sat up and a twinge of pain in my head startled me. Flashbacks of yesterday night came to me. 

I am sorry. I think it’s better when it’s our separate way. You’re right. It’s better when it’s our separate…

“Finally, you woke up,” she said. A teenage girl stood up. Her long brown hair brushed her waist in soft curls and was parted to the side. She had no bangs. It was all one length. Dark lashes framed her sultry-looking hazel eyes but she wasn’t wearing any makeup. She was wearing a white shirt over with a blue-black jacket and blue jeans. She stretched her hands for me to take. Who is she? Why can’t I remember anything? I looked around. I was in a huge bare, empty room with no windows or door. Where am I? 

My hands pressed on the floor to stand up as my left knee bent and a pain electrified me as I fell back, wincing. I grimaced as I looked at my knees. There was a cut on my knee, wide-open bleeding. I gasped as my eyes widened. It looked more as if I was swirling on the floor the whole night.

“Your bleeding,” the girl said as she bent and untied the scarf rolled around my head and she wrapped it around my injured knee. I groaned as she helped me stand, putting my arm around her neck, I leaned on her as she walked to the corner of the room, and helped me sit down, making me rest as I leaned on the wall before holding her bag and sitting beside me. 

I didn’t know if trusting her was right but then is it a choice when I can’t remember how I am here. “ Where am I ?” I asked. 

“I don’t know, although I know we are underground,” she replied. “Who brought me here?” I said. 

“I don’t know,” she answered. “How long have I been here?” I asked as I rubbed my face before my fingers went through my hair. 

“I found you here when I woke up, so probably seven to eight hours,” she said. I hit the back of my head against the wall, sighing. I am not remembering anything, not even if I walked here myself or if someone else brought me or kidnapped me here. All I remember is that anger from what Aaron said and then it’s dark as if I was in a coma. 

“You don’t look fine,” she broke the silence. I turned to look at her.

“I don’t remember anything. Why am I here, what’s this pain I am feeling all over my body, this place, it’s unexplained,” I pause as I notice how pale she looked. As if she hadn’t eaten for days, maybe weeks. That darkness around her eyelid, the bruises around her wrist, and on her left cheek. “You don’t look well either. How long have you been here?”

Her head rests on the wall as she stares up. “I don’t know.” she exhales. “Eight or nine days maybe.” she flips a pen that I didn’t notice was in her hand. Perhaps she has got it from her bag. “You’re not the only one lost here if it makes it better. The last thing I remember is hugging my brother and when I woke up I was here, injured on my face and a pain that conquered me.” She stares at me. “Hopefully one day someone will remember my existence and rescue me.” She flips the pen again.  

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