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A long time ago, there was a kingdom. Not an ordinary kingdom like knights and princesses but you could say there were knights. People who protected the citizens. These guys were the wolves. Humans that had the power to turn themselves into wolves. They defended the people against enemies and therefore meant there was no danger to the kingdom.

The wolves and the people alike were kept under control by a king known as the gold wolf. This ruler was a wolf that appeared with a golden glow. It was said to be stronger than any other wolf with powers possessed by no other. All of the people obeyed him and all of the wolves respected him and followed his orders.

During the rule of one of these gold wolves, an heir was born and the father raised him to be the king, to rule over all of the people and the wolves.

But his son refused.

At fourteen he told his father he didn't want to be a king. He knew that he didn't want to be in charge of so many people and take on the responsibilities of the gold wolf. However, his father persisted to make him the ruler. Unhappy with this, the boy ran from the kingdom and the castle he once called home. He vowed to himself that he would never show authority and therefore never turn into his golden wolf again.

Outraged, the wolves turned on each other. They attacked the king and his queen killing them both. The people ran from the kingdom to escape the wolves. Far away from the land never to return. The wolves separated into small packs constantly in competition with each other. They hated each other all because the leader had left them. Now they stole from each other, fought each other, tried to become the better pack. After fighting for over five years there were only six packs.

Union J- known for the first letters of each of their names. It had four members called Josh, Jaymi, George and JJ.

Five Seconds of Summer- known for their fast attacks lasting mere seconds if undisturbed. It had four members called Ashton, Luke, Michael and Calum.

One Direction- known for simple attacks using one manoeuvre. It had five members called Liam, Niall, Zayn, Harry and Louis.

The Vamps- known to create plans and ideas very quickly. It had five members called Tristan, Brad, Connor, James and his sister Tia.

Lawson- known for the Doctor of the kingdom that saved the alpha's life. It had four members called Joel, Andy, Adam and Ryan.

And the most terrifying of all.

The Wanted- known for taking everything they wanted. None of the packs attacked them or wanted to be attacked by them. They were the high class thieves. It had five members called Max, Jay, Nathan, Tom and Siva.

Their was a prophecy that told the return of the gold wolf. That in their hour of need he would return and reveal his power to the packs through his wolf. But no one believed this. They believed the son had died and the line of gold wolves died with him. But it is said that even the presence of the gold wolf was enough to make packs understand each other and unite together like the kingdom they once lived in.

As for the endless rivalry that continued between the packs it would continue with no one to stop them. They would fight for years stealing things and hurting each other without end.

Until now.

Elyar Fox Gold WolfWhere stories live. Discover now