Chapter 21

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Elyar's POV

I stood there looking between each of the packs. By now they had all changed back into their human forms. Ashton and Tom had never seen me but they knew I was the gold wolf. Everyone else was just amazed after witnessing the earth shake because of me. The presence of the gold wolf made their instincts recognise the power without them knowing.

"Who are you?" Andy asked.

"Just a man who wants all the fighting to stop. I've seen you all trying to become the better pack for the past five years. This war is taking it too far. You all used to be brothers from the same kingdom. Today you were going to disregard that and take their lives for your own gain. It's a disgrace to your kind," I said.

"What makes you think we'll stop fighting?" JJ asked.

"Because I'm going to make you," I replied.

"Who do you think you are to tell us what to do?" Louis growled.

"My name is Elyar Fox, and I'm the gold wolf," I said simply.

"You expect us to believe that lie!" Zayn snarled.

"Pathetic," Andy sneered before he growled and turned into his wolf.

Louis and JJ did the same and the three of them charged for me. Tom, Ashton and James did the same to try and protect me but I had my own idea. When they all jumped for me I let fire surround me and explode. The blast pushed the alphas back to their packs and it changed me into my wolf.

Everyone had turned into their wolves when the alphas jumped for me so now they were all standing in shock at my presence. The wolves all bowed their heads in respect. I knew now that I could take my parents' place and look after the wolves.

As I watched them I noticed something in Tom, Ashton, Andy, Louis and JJ. Their wolves started shaking violently and then stopped suddenly. They looked up at me and I saw their eyes, blood red. I knew what was wrong. The vein that was on James' head was healed so it didn't affect him. The violent side of their brains had taken over.

Tom jumped at me and the other four wolves followed. I pushed them back long enough to let me escape in the direction I came from. I couldn't fight them with the rest of the packs around. I would end up hurting them too. When I got far enough away I was near the river and I turned back to them. It was my wolf against their five wolves. They attacked me again and I tried my best to hold them off without hurting them. That only made things worse as they pushed me back so far that we all fell into the river. It flowed away from the mountain where me and Tia were last night. That meant that we were drifting down hill. Then I saw what was just ahead of us. A waterfall.

The six of us fell over the edge and all landed in the pool below us. We continued flying down the river in the current and I could see the others beginning to struggle. If we didn't do something fast we would all drown.

James' POV

Everyone ran to the cliff where the waterfall was. We watched closely to see if the other alphas would emerge.

"There's Ashton and JJ!" Luke shouted.

I looked to where he was pointing to see the two of them above the water struggling for air.

"And there's Tom, Andy and Louis!" George added.

They were further down the river struggling to swim as well. I looked closely ahead of them and saw Elyar just in front of them.

"And that's Elyar. We have to save them," I said.

I turned to my sister and put my hand on her shoulders.

"Tia you stay here. You and the others run along the top of the cliff and help us look for them. I'll save Elyar I promise," I said looking into her eyes so she would focus on me.

She nodded and I turned to the other wolves.

"We have to get down to the river. Brad, Tristan, Connor, Calum, Nathan, Max, Ryan, Adam, Niall and Josh come with me. The rest of you follow the river and try to follow the alphas."

They all nodded and I led those that I had named down the cliff as close to river as possible without falling in. We ran along the side and when we found a crossing Nathan, Ryan, Josh and Niall crossed to the other cliff. We soon caught up to Ashton and JJ who were about to disappear under water. Ryan and Josh lifted JJ on their side of the river while Connor and Calum pulled Ashton out of the current.

We left them to look after the two boys while we moved on. Eventually we found Louis trying to hold on to a fallen log. He soon lost his grip and let go but Nathan and Niall managed to catch him. They lifted him out as we continued on and found Andy struggling to find something to hold on to. Adam and Brad caught him before the current carried him off. Me, Tristan and Max continued running along the river until we found Tom. Tristan and Max grabbed him and helped him out while I ran on to find Elyar.

I saw an object disappear under water and then reappear again a few times. As I got closer I could see that it was Elyar and if I didn't hurry he would drown. I saw a log hanging over the river just ahead of us. I picked up speed and overtook Elyar before climbing onto the log. I held on to the log and lowered myself down as much as I could to reach him. He got closer to me but he went underwater as he got closer. I held my hand down to try and catch him but as he was about to go past, he pushed himself above the surface and grabbed my hand. I tried to pull him up but the current was too strong. I fell from the log and we were both dragged away by the current.

Tom's POV

We managed to climb out of the gorge with the help of the other packs. Eventually, we were on top of the cliff again. I noticed that two of us were missing. I knew Elyar was in the river but James was now gone too.

"Where's James?" I asked.

"He was beside the river with us," Brad replied.

"He ran on to catch Elyar," Tristan added.

"They'd be back by now though," Andy pointed out.

Just then Joel and Siva ran towards us.

"It's Elyar and James!" Joel started.

"They were pulled away by the current," Siva reported.

"Oh my god," Tia said in shock.

I knew now that Elyar and her were together after Brad told me about them. Tia was worried about losing her boyfriend and her brother but I wasn't going to let that happen. As Connor, Tristan and Brad rushed over to her and shared a group hug I had an idea.

"Come on we've gotta catch them!" I ordered.

Everyone wolfed out and followed me along the cliff. Eventually we caught site of James and Elyar as they were pulled downstream. I looked around and finally found what I was looking for.

"We have to overtake them!" I shouted.

We all ran faster and managed to gain some distance ahead of Elyar and James. I ran over to a sturdy looking tree and the others followed.

"Knock down the tree quick!" I commanded.

They all rushed to the tree and we all pushed it towards the river. With the combined strength of twenty six wolves we managed to knock it over. We lifted it and moved to the river letting it fall down and lie across it. We all climbed down the cliff and ran onto the log.

"There they are now!" Louis shouted.

"Grab them!" I shouted back.

Elyar came first and Max, Zayn and Louis helped him out while me, Andy and Joel got James. We all climbed out of the gorge and we all collapsed onto the ground with exhaustion.

"Thanks for saving us," Elyar said.

"It was better than having to start a war. In a way, you saved us," I pointed out.

We all smiled and for the first time ever the packs were able to enjoy each other's company. There was a potential for a better future for us all. No more fighting.

Elyar Fox Gold WolfWhere stories live. Discover now