Chapter 18

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Tom's POV

The six of us ran straight back to my pack's land. With the war coming there was no time to waste. We had to start planning and preparing or we would lose and I was not gonna let that happen.

Once we were back home, we climbed the trees and went back into my house. Five Seconds of Summer and the rest of my pack were sitting around. Siva was tending to Nathan's black eye but as we walked in they all looked at us. I went over to Nathan and looked at his eye before looking at the rest of my pack.

"You heard the howl. That was the call. The war is tomorrow," I stated.

"Tomorrow?! That won't be enough time to prepare!" Max exclaimed.

"If there is a war coming then we need the gold wolf," Tristan said.

"The gold wolf's been dead for five years," Jay replied.

"Not necessarily," James jumped in.

He explained to them about how he changed as a leader. How he punched Brad and how he was healed. He also explained how the anger of the alphas was what was causing the war.

"So what should we do?" Ashton asked James.

"We'll have to convince him to help us. He's the only one who can stop this," James replied.

I looked at the members of my own pack with one thought in my mind. As if they were all thinking the same thing, they nodded in agreement.

"James, it's obvious that you have a better plan than I do. One that can minimise casualties. We want to join your pack to prevent the fight," I requested.

"We will be happy to have you. But I don't guarantee this will work. If I have your cooperation then I need you to follow my orders. Tonight is our last night to prepare so we need our strength. The Wanted I need you all to go and hunt. Get enough food for all of us and bring it to our pack house. Five Seconds of Summer I need you to get fruits. Stuff that's good for strength and good for healing. Ashton can help you find it. Tristan and Connor, the three of us are gonna go and look over the lands we will be fighting on. See if we can gain any advantages. Brad and Nathan. Both of you stay here and rest up. We'll get someone to come and get you before the feast," James ordered.

We all nodded in agreement and then headed off to where we were meant to go. I left the forest and headed towards the hunting grounds with Max, Jay and Siva to gather enough food for all three packs.

Tia's POV

James stayed and told Tristan and Connor that he would catch up with them so he could give me my order.

"What do I have to do?" I asked eagerly.

"Go and find Elyar. Convince him to help us and just spend tonight with him. I have a feeling tomorrow will be rough on him so let him have tonight with you," he said with one hand on my shoulder comfortingly.

Looking into my brother's eyes I saw that he was back to normal. He was the same old James I remembered. The James I loved as my brother.

"But, what about preparing?" I asked.

"Tia I know you want to help but after everything I've put you through I think you deserve to spend a night with him. I know I've done you wrong but I'm better now and I know what I'm doing. Just go to him and we'll see you and hopefully him in the morning," he explained.

After his little speech I hugged him. It took him by surprise but then he relaxed and hugged me back. I knew he genuinely was my brother now. He was back to his old self and I didn't blame him for what had happened before.

He pulled out of the hug first and looked down at me.

"I love you sis. I'm sorry for what I've done in the past but I know I've changed thanks to Elyar. Just have a good night ok Ti?"

I nodded and then remembered what I had in my jacket. I unzipped it and brought out Jaffa. James looked at the little wolf and smiled. I passed it to him and he stroked his hand over his fur.

"He's still the same," he smiled. "Well, give him a bath and he'll be good as new."

"You should take him and leave him at our pack house. I know you're going back there later," I suggested.

James nodded and put him inside his jacket. We shared one last hug and then he left. I was about to leave too when I heard someone calling me from inside Tom's house. I climbed the tree and eventually reached the house before going inside.

Brad was sitting on the bed and he smiled at me when I came in. He stood up and gave me a hug. I smiled too and hugged him back.

"Just wanted to say see you later really," he laughed.

We pulled out of the hug and he sat back down on the bed.

"It's good that you've got your brother back," he said.

I nodded and sat on the bed beside him.

"And you've got your alpha back," I replied.

"Yeah, looks like everything's changing for the better. Like I always told you it would," he smirked.

"Alright so you were right this time," I joked.

"I'm right a lot of the time thank you very much," he argued.

"Yeah, just not often when I'm involved," I pointed out.

We both laughed at what was a pretty ridiculous argument and then Nathan walked in from the kitchen.

"Have I missed something?" he asked.

"Nothing really, I'm sorry about what James did by the way," I apologised.

"Aw this? It's nothing. Call it a battle wound," he chuckled gesturing to his eye.

"You know he hit me too right?" Brad pouted.

"Oh yeah, man up," I stated.

Me and Nathan laughed as Brad just huffed, crossing his arms and looking away from me.

"Aw sorry Bradley. I know it wasn't nice of him to hit you," I pouted.

He just stuck his tongue out causing me and Nathan to laugh again.

"By the way. I suppose I should apologise. You know for stuff my pack has done to you lot," Nathan commented.

"It's ok Nathan. We just never had the chance to get to know you. We could only see you surviving," I replied.

He nodded and smiled, "Your pack is one of the nicest I've met. You guys are really close. Like a real family."

"Yeah, I guess we are," Brad said with an arm around my shoulder.

I smiled and let him hug me. I was glad I had my family back. James was back to normal again and I was so glad.

"Now what are you still doing here? Go and see your man. But no funny business!" he said sternly.

I laughed at him trying to be brotherly and hugged him again before running out of the house.

I climbed down the tree after hearing Brad shout, "I mean it Ti!"

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