Chapter 4

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Brad's POV

We woke up the next day preparing for any attacks that might occur. We weren't planning on raiding anyone today because we still had enough from yesterday. I woke up first and went over to the kitchen to make some morning tea.

I heard shuffling and I looked over to see James getting up. He walked over to the bathroom and came out a few minutes later walking over to me.

"Morning," I greeted.

"Morning," he said groggily sitting at the end of the table.

"You alright?"

"Yeah," he said unconvincingly.

"Yeah, I believe you," I said sarcastically.

Normally you would think being rude to an alpha was against the law or something but it wasn't like that in our time. We were all best mates we just all listened to James because he was in charge.

"It's just Tia. I feel like I'm losing her," he said sadly.

"You know you can't lose Ti," I said putting the kettle on the fire.

"Obviously I can, she never talks to me anymore and she always seems happier with you three rather than me."

"James have you ever thought that that might be your fault?" I asked with annoyance building slightly.

"What do you mean?"

"You never talk to her James. You don't let her out of the house, you ignore her, you order her around, you're drifting away from her," I said.

"I don't order her around," he retorted.

"Oh really," Tristan commented getting out of bed.

"'Tristan, Tia, get down from there. Get inside. Get the dinner ready,'" he said mocking James.

"Yeah but..." he trailed off not able to reply.

"You can't say anything James. She wants to get out of the house, she wants to hunt, she wants to fight, she wants to feel some form of freedom that you're not letting her have," I said.

"Not only that," Tristan said sitting at the table adjacent to James. "She misses you James. You're her brother and you were her best friend when you were kids. You never even spend any time to talk to her."

James looked at the table guiltily and then looked over at his sleeping sister. We looked over too and noticed Connor waking up and getting out of bed.

"Morning Con," I said.

"Morning," he hummed rubbing his eyes.

"Con, do you think I ignore Tia?" James asked.

"Well, to be honest yeah, and she hates it," he replied.

James sighed and put his head in his hands, obviously feeling guilty for making Tia feel bad. We all knew he loved her because they did grow up together but he just didn't realise how much he was hurting her.

"So what should I do?" he asked.

"Talk to her, any idiot would know that," I said rolling my eyes.

James sighed and nodded. At that moment Tia started stirring. We all looked at her and then back to James.

"We'll go out hunting and let you two talk," Tristan said standing up.

We all walked out and turned into our wolves before running towards the plains.

Tia's POV

I woke up the next morning to see the boys' beds empty. I turned over and saw James sitting at the kitchen table. I sat up and rubbed my forehead.

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