Chapter 14

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Tristan's POV

I never thought that it would come to the day that we would need The Wanted's help. They would never help us. The idea was ridiculous. After all we did just defend against them and won against a raid. I highly doubted they would help us. But then again we had no choice.

We could all see that Brad wasn't in a good state. We didn't know if he would wake up, what was wrong or if he would be permanently injured.

"We need to take him to them. If they're the only people that can save him then we have no choice. He needs help," Connor announced.

"They'll never help us," Luke pointed out.

"We have to try. We have to help him. Let's go," I argued.

We all agreed and left the house. Connor took Brad on his back and we all turned into our wolves. Me, Connor, Tia and Five Seconds of Summer all ran across the plains towards The Wanted's land. Not many people had seen their home before because no one attempted to raid them because of their power.

"Is that where it should be?" Michael asked."

We all looked and saw a very deep forest.

"It must be," Connor stated.

We turned back into humans, except for Connor and entered the forest. We looked all around us for any sign of The Wanted or their house. We had come very deep into the forest when suddenly two figures jumped down from the trees beside us.

"What're you doing in our territory?" Max growled.

"We're not here to fight. We really need your help. One of our members is really ill and we thought you could help. Please," I pleaded.

Nathan and Max looked between each other and then Nathan walked over to Connor. He looked at Brad and took in his appearance.

"He doesn't look too good," he stated.

"We'll see what Tom wants to do. Come with us," Max said walking off.

Nathan caught up to him and we followed behind them. Eventually, we saw some of the most amazing tree houses. They were small but they were all connected with rope bridges. It was also dark so there were small lanterns illuminating the little brown huts. Nathan turned around to us.

"Stay here," he said before he and Max took off climbing the trees with ease.

We waited for a few minutes until we saw Siva and Max jump down, followed by Jay and Nathan and finally Tom. He stood watching us with a scowl across his face, unimpressed with our presence.

"You're trespassing in our territory," he stated.

"Doesn't stop you from trespassing in ours," Michael pointed out.

"Michael!" we all shouted.

"Please, we really need your help. One of The Vamps is ill. We don't know what's wrong or how to take care of him," I begged.

"We were told that you have some knowledge of how to help him," Ashton added.

Tom's glare softened so his face displayed a plain expression.

"Show me the boy," he said.

We all moved back as I lifted Brad from Connor's back. Connor turned back to human form and I brought Brad over to Tom. He put a hand on Brad's wrist and then his neck and then his forehead.

"He's just unconscious. He passed out because of the lack of nutrition. He wasn't strong enough to withstand whatever injured him. Bring him up to my hut," Tom said after he finished analysing Brad.

"We'll use the food lift to get him up," Max said.

We nodded as the five of them ran up the trees and lowered down the lift. I set Brad down on it and let the boys winch him up. Whilst he was going up we had to climb the trees as well. It wasn't as easy as it looked as we all struggled. Luckily our claws made it a lot easier. I was struggling to get up the last part of the tree and nearly slipped when someone grabbed my wrist. I looked up and saw Nathan pulling me up onto the landing. Connor, Tia and Five Seconds of Summer also got pulled up by the other boys and eventually we were all in the tree house.

Tom had already taken Brad into his hut and laid him on the bed facing the ceiling. He used water and a cloth to clean the cut on his lip and he kept his head tilted back to stop the blood coming from his nose.

"He's stable. Just a little exhausted. We're gonna need food when he wakes up," he said washing the cloth in the bowl of water.

"And food for us. We're running low on supplies," Siva pointed out.

"We can join you," Connor suggested.

"Good, but we also need some herbs and fruit for Brad. Nathan, you and Jay get those," Tom told them.

They both nodded and left for the woods whilst the rest of us headed to the hunting plains. I was surprised The Wanted had helped us. After all we didn't get on very well but I supposedly we misjudged them.

Brad's POV

I woke up with a pounding headache that would get worse every time my heart would beat. I held a hand to my head and slowly pushed myself up into a seated position. I looked around to see my surroundings and I couldn't recognise anything. Where was I?

I was brought out of my thoughts and into what was nearly a state of panic as I saw Tom Parker round the corner from what appeared to be a kitchen.

"Relax mate, I'm not gonna hurt you," he said sitting in a chair.

"What?" I said before hissing in pain at my head which started hurting.

"Here, lie back and put this over it," he said handing me a small face cloth. "It's just a cold towel."

I followed his instructions and put the towel on my forehead. It felt soothing against my head and the pain was starting to disappear.

"Why are you helping me?" I asked.

He shrugged, "You needed help so I helped."

"But what about the packs? All the rivalry, and the fighting, and the raids?"

"That's to help my pack survive. When your friends brought you here they weren't a threat. They wanted to help you so I am. They're out now with my pack hunting," he explained.

"Oh, so what does this mean?" I asked.

"Nothing, this is only a temporary truce. Once you and your friends leave we'll be back to normal. Fighting again."

"Oh... but why? Why does there need to be fights between packs?" I asked genuinely curious.

"I don't know. But I do know this. Soon, there's gonna be a war. A huge fight between all packs. And The Wanted, we intend to win. We've made plans, Lawson have made plans, Union J have made plans and One Direction have made plans. If you're not ready you're gonna lose. I don't know why there will be a war but it will decide who takes control," he said.

I was shocked to find out about a war. I never thought it would come to a huge fight but I guess something had to be done. With the amount of violence that had occurred it must've been the only solution.

My thoughts were cut off by people walking into the room. I looked up and saw Connor, Tristan, Five Seconds of Summer and Siva and Max.

"Brad!" Tristan and Connor both cheered with joy.

I smiled and hugged both of them. I looked behind them to see Five Seconds of Summer smiling. I noticed that two of The Vamps weren't there.

"Where's Tia? And James?" I asked.

"We haven't seen James. Not since he went after you," Connor said.

I remembered that they didn't know James was the one that punched me. I wouldn't tell them until they asked.

"And Tia... She was with us a few minutes ago," Tristan said.

"Elyar," I mumbled to myself.

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