Chapter 6

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Tia's POV

Things were looking up for me now. James let's me out more now and let's me help with fighting and raiding. We've gotten a lot closer since I got back and as a whole our pack is more like a family. We have fun together and laugh and fight but obviously just for fun. Also James had started playing guitar again along with Brad and Connor. Tristan improvised on pots and pans. As a whole the boys sounded awesome.

Elyar also came a lot. He never comes to the house but he stands on the rock like he said he would. I'm the only one that can hear the two howls for some reason. Probably because I spend most of the time waiting for it. He usually comes everyday or every two days. It was nice to get out and see him. We were really good friends and I always had fun with him around.

I was in the house with the boys just after we had raided One Direction. We were sitting at the table playing go-fish. We'd each won a few games but James was probably the best.

"Ti, do you have any threes?" Brad asked.

I scanned my cards before replying, "go-fish."

Brad cursed under his breath and took a card.

"James any queens?" Tristan asked.

"Go-fish," James smirked.

"Con any fours?" I asked.

Connor rolled his eyes and gave me two fours giving me a full set. I smiled at my success. Now I had two jacks left.

"Tris, any sevens?" Connor asked and Tristan shook his head.


Connor rolled his eyes and took another card.

"Brad I'll be having those threes," James smirked.

"Aw what?!" Brad exclaimed.

He gave over two of his seven cards which gave James a full set of threes. He put his four cards together to reveal that he had no more cards.

"I win!" he shouted throwing his arms up in celebration.

All the boys threw their cards on the table and sighed. I laughed at their reactions and at my brothers celebratory dance moves. And that guy's supposed to be the alpha.

I laughed until I heard the two howls. I smiled to myself and then looked up at the boys.

"I've gotta go," I said jumping up.

"What where?" Brad asked.

"Just out."

"You know I'm not comfortable with you leaving all the time," James said crossing his arms.

"I know sorry bro. Love you," I said giving him a hug.

I ran out the door and headed over to the rock. As I reached it, Elyar smiled and gave me a hug which I returned.

"Hey," he greeted.

"Hi, where are we going today?" I asked.

"I thought we could head to the jungle. It's pretty cool around this time of year."

"I'd love that, let's go."

We both walked towards the jungle talking about random things as usual. It was always nice to talk to Elyar. It could be a serious conversation or it could be something that made me laugh but he always knew which one it was.

When we got to the jungle you could hear lots of different noises like birds and other animals. The trees all stood tall making the forest look vibrant with beauty. There were lots of different coloured plants and the air smelt so fresh. It was absolutely amazing.

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