Chapter 15

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Elyar's POV

I was in my cave just staring into the fire. I was thinking about the different things that had happened. How much that had changed since I met Tia. Everything was amazing. I still lived in the same old cave but I felt like my life had so much more meaning.

As I said this I heard footsteps coming towards the cave. I looked to the mouth of the cave to see Tia walking inside. I smiled as I saw her. She had no idea how much she'd changed my life.

She walked over to me and gave me a short kiss. I pulled her into me for a hug which she accepted. We stood there for a few minutes until she pulled away.

"You ok?" she asked.

"A lot better now you're here," I smiled.

She smiled back at me, "So where should we go?"

"I don't know. I haven't really planned anything. We could just walk farther than we have before. See if we discover something?" I shrugged.

She smiled and nodded. I put my hand into hers and we walked out of my cave and down the hill. We walked for a while until it became a competitive game of chase. We ran further than we ever had before. I didn't know where we were now and I wasn't really thinking about it until I felt something crunch beneath my feet.

I looked down to see what looked like a bone snapped in two. Since being with Tia I hadn't realised how dark it had gotten. Not only that but there was an eerie feeling about this place. There was something creepy about where we were.

We both looked up and saw the remains of a castle. But not just any castle, the castle of our old kingdom. We both sort of went into a daze as we saw our old home. Tia went one way and I went the other. I went into the castle and looked at a large room which turned out to be the throne room where the castle still appeared to look intact. I went inside and watched as my feet moved some of the old bricks and other pieces of rubble. The room was dark so it was hard to see but then I focused my vision and saw what was at the back of the room.

There was a skeleton leaning against the throne. It was sitting upright and it looked really old and dusty. I looked beside it and saw another skeleton but then I saw what they were wearing. The first one was wearing red robes and the second was wearing a purple one. Then I looked closely at the first one and saw the necklace. It had our kingdoms crest on it and was faded gold. That's when I realised. They were the king and queen. My parents.

I sank to the ground as tears came to my eyes. My parents were lying dead in front of me. I just stared at them feeling regretful and guilty about what had happened. If I didn't leave then they could've still been alive. This was all my fault.

Tia's POV

I walked around the remains of the town. Some of the houses were still standing but they were very old now and crumbling away. I looked around as I saw some familiar houses. That's when I saw our old house.

It was still standing but part of the roof had collapsed and there was a hole in one of the walls. I slowly moved inside through the old doorframe. I looked around at the charred rubble and ashes of old ornaments or photos. Obviously there was a fire after me and James left.

I looked around the the room and saw the old pictures. They were almost destroyed but I could vaguely make out some with my mum and some with my dad. Then I came to me and James' old room. We used to share a room as kids.

I looked at both of our beds. They were in the same place as they were before we left. They were looking pretty rough too but you could see the old patterns in the bed sheets. Everything had changed so much.

I walked past both me and James' beds and then felt myself step on something soft. I lifted my foot to see a soft toy of a wolf. I remembered when James came back with him from the village shop. We called him Jaffa because I was still young and I was eating Jaffa cakes.

I put him inside my coat and zipped it up so I wouldn't drop him. After putting him in my coat there was a sudden tremor. The ground literally shook. What was happening? I ran out of the house and looked around. There was some sort of golden glow emanating from the castle. I ran inside and headed up to what looked like a throne room. Inside I saw Elyar kneeling down a few feet away from the throne where two dusty, old skeletons were sitting on the floor. The gold glow was surrounding him and I saw his muscles tense up. At the same time, another tremor stronger than the first one shook the ground nearly making me fall.

I looked over and knew that it was Elyar causing the tremors. From the back of him I couldn't see much but I knew he was angry. It must've been his parents that were dead.

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