Chapter 3

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Tia's POV

Brad was lying down in his bed and Tristan went to make tea whilst I went outside. I went around the back of the house and climbed up to the roof using the slope of the mountain. I heaved myself up onto the roof and walked to the edge just above the door. I sat there with my legs dangling over the side like I always did when I was thinking about anything.

I missed James. I know he was always with me but we never got to talk or be together as brother and sister anymore. Every time he talks to me it's just 'we're going to raid someone' or 'stay in the house'. Not only that but I hadn't seen him smile genuinely in years. That may sound exaggerated but that was honestly what it was like. Ever since he became a leader he changed.

Right now it seemed like the boys were my only friends. Brad I would say is my best friend. He always makes time for me and listens to my problems. He always knows how to make me happier. In all honesty I thought of him as my brother. He's been looking after me since we met.

Tristan is a good listener too but we always just have conversations about lots of different things. It doesn't have to be a serious conversation but at least he's someone I can have a laugh with. Normally when we talked it was something stupid like the last one was about deer flavoured juice. His idea, not mine.

Connor was also fun to be around. We always muck about when we go out hunting. Usually it's racing or playing pranks on the others but it was always fun with someone else around and it really made leaving the house fun, much to my brother's disappointment.

Anytime I do anything I feel like James is disappointed. I just want to have fun in life. What's wrong with that?

My thoughts were interrupted by someone sitting beside me. I didn't want to look up because I guess you could say I was upset.

"Tia? You ok?" I recognised Tristan's voice ask.

"I miss James."

"I know what you mean," he said simply.

I turned to him to hear more about what he meant.

"When we were little and still in the kingdom, I lived in the house opposite you. I used to see you and James playing together all the time. I knew you were close. But now it seems to be different for you two and I noticed how far you've sort of drifted," he explained.

I nodded, "I just want things to go. back to the way they were."

"I'll talk to James," Tristan said. "I'll tell him what's happened and how you're drifting apart. I'm sure he realises himself but he probably just lost track of everything."

I looked at Tristan and wrapped my arms around his neck in a hug almost crying into his shoulder.

"Thank you Tris," I said with my head buried into his chest.

Tristan hugged me back and kissed the top of my head. It's times like this when I loved the boys. I needed them. They were my best friends and they kept me sane in a way.

My thoughts were interrupted by Connor and James getting back from the hunt.

"Tristan, Tia, get down from there and get inside. Get the dinner ready," James ordered walking into the house followed by Connor.

I sighed.

"It's ok," Tristan comforted. "Things will change for the better. I promise."

With that we both went inside and got dinner with the others. Once we had prepared it we all sat down and ate.

James' POV

I cleared up the kitchen while the others went to bed. They were tired and I didn't mind doing the dishes. I looked over to see Brad, Tristan and Connor in their beds getting ready to sleep. Just then Tia came out of the bathroom.

"Night boys," she said smiling at the boys.

"Night," they all replied returning the smile.

I almost felt a pang of jealousy hit me that she was happier with the boys. I was her brother after all. She could at least smile at me or even glance at me.

Once I was finished with the plates I went to the bathroom and got ready for bed. When I came out, I saw the three boys out for the count but I could sense Tia was still up. She was probably pretending to be asleep. I walked over to my bed and climbed under the cover looking at Tia.

"Night Tia," I said hoping for a response I never got.

I sighed and rolled over lying with my back to Tia. I hated the way she was blocking me out. I didn't know why though. I thought everything was fine but apparently not.

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