Chapter 2

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James' POV

It was the next day and me and the boys were preparing for the raid. We got breakfast from the small amount of remains we had from the deer. I walked into the house to see Tia before I left. She was lying on her bed looking away from the door.

"We've gotta go now. I'll see you later?"

"Yeah," she said bluntly.

"Bye then," I said opening the door.

I walked out feeling guilty. I didn't like seeing Tia upset. She was my baby sister after all. All I wanted to do was protect her.

The boys turned into their wolves and I copied. I led the way to Union J's land. On the way there, Brad ran beside me.

"Something wrong James?" he asked.

"Nothing, just Tia," I replied.

"Why what happened?"

"I told her she couldn't come with us because it was too dangerous. I just want her to be safe."

"I know James but she can't stay in that house," he said.

"But she could get hurt."

"James you can't hide her forever. I know you want to keep her safe but the truth is someday we might not come back and she'll have to fend for herself. How do you think that'll work if she hasn't been able to go out to defend herself from attacks?"

I sighed and didn't answer. I knew he was right. I just didn't want to face it. I wanted Tia to be safe but to do that she needed to learn how to fight for herself. I guess I would have to let her come with us from now on.

Tia's POV

I was lying on my bed thinking about everything. I wanted to fight on my own or at least help defend against an attack. I couldn't understand why James wouldn't let me. After being attacked by The Wanted and Five Seconds of Summer it seemed like they could use some help.

I hated how James was treating me. It was true that we got on great as kids. We always played together, hunted together when dad taught us, ate together, literally everything James did, I did too.

I remembered back to the days when James used to sing. Making up songs and playing them on his guitar. He hadn't played his guitar for years. I went over to his bed and pulled it out from underneath it. I blew the dust off of it and used a cloth to clear it off. It was just as I remembered it. A light brown colour at the bottom with the black round part I used to call a dogs ear. James would laugh at the name. We would laugh together at everything. But then everything changed.

When the gold wolf left people started fighting. Mainly the parents with each other leaving everyone in the packs we have nowadays to become what we are now. When they attacked our home mum and dad told James to look after me. I guess that's why he felt he needed to protect me. It was the last thing they told him to do before we ran.

I remembered meeting Connor, Brad and Tristan. James was building a shelter for us. I helped him hold the rocks together as he sealed them with mud and water. We were working hard until James heard a growl from behind us. We both turned around and saw a wolf standing there preparing to attack. That wolf was Connor. James fought him and was about to kill him but I knew he couldn't. He didn't have the strength to kill another wolf so he helped Connor up and invited him to stay with us.

It was almost the same story with Tristan. He was trying to steal our food when we found him. James told him he could eat with us as long as he didn't try to steal anything. After that Tristan asked to stay and help us. James more than happily took him in.

With Brad it was a different story. He didn't come to us, we'd found him a mile or two outside our old kingdom. We all assumed he was dead but James sensed he was alive. We took him home laid him on my bed and raised him back to health. At that time James, Connor and Tristan were doing the raids and the hunting so I looked after him. When he woke up James allowed him to stay as well.

After that no one wanted somewhere to stay or someone to look after them. All they wanted was our supplies for their packs. They weren't interested in staying. James would fight them all off until they ran away. He wouldn't kill another wolf. I knew he was better than that.

That was five years ago. We've been in the same house since with the same routine all the time. I prepared dinners and breakfasts, the boys go out on raids and we all hunt. I never get to spend any time with James anymore. Since he was the oldest of the four boys he became the alpha, but even though he's in charge he still never makes time for me. I would always be stuck in this house alone and they would always go out together to find supplies or food.

Realisation suddenly hit me as I thought of where they were. They were heading to another pack to raid them. It could be hours before they came back. I could go and explore without them knowing.

I looked under my bed and grabbed my trainers, pulling them on and tying them up. I also got my coat from under the bed and pulled it on. We kept everything belonging to us under our beds which reminded me to put James' guitar back where I found it.

Once I was ready, I opened the door and stepped out of the house. I took a deep breath of fresh air and took in my surroundings. It was a cloudy day and a little foggy as well. That would probably make it harder for the boys. I looked around for somewhere to go. I didn't want to head somewhere close to the plains because I'd been there a million times before. I turned around and looked up at the hill behind the house. I always wondered what was up there and today could be the day I find out.

I turned into my wolf and bounded up the mountain, looking around at all of the trees moving past. I listened to the sounds of the wildlife calling and the crunch of the leaves and the earth beneath my paws. It was amazing up here. The trees were tall and full of life, they sheltered everything below them from the weather. I saw a small stream and a few animals like birds and squirrels. I continued to run until I couldn't anymore. Not because I couldn't but because there was nowhere else to go.

I was at the top of the mountain. I looked around and saw everything. There was a beautiful waterfall, a small grassy hill and even a huge river that used be a trench separating us from our old kingdom which I forgot was there. Everything was so beautiful. I could see all of the packs heading for each other too. The Wanted were on their way back from One Direction's lands with a lot of food, Lawson and Five Seconds of Summer were fighting and my brother and the boys were heading back home.

I panicked and ran down the mountain. I couldn't let James know I'd left the house. He would kill me. I ran through all of the trees trying to get to the bottom before the boys came home. I got down to the foot of the mountain and ran into the house. I flung my coat under the bed and sat on it trying to remove my shoes. One of them came off and the other one got tighter as I pulled on the lace. I panicked as I tried to untie the lace. Frantically trying to pull my shoe off it finally gave in and I fired them both in the same direction as my coat.

I jumped onto my bed and lay down. I threw the covers over me and relaxed myself to pretend I was sleeping. I smoothed my hair down and adjusted myself into a comfortable position just as the door swung open. James and the boys walked inside and I pretended to wake up.

"Oh hey guys. How did it go?" I asked rubbing my eyes.

"Really well," Connor smiled. "We got a lot of supplies. Three whole deer."

I smiled as well. I loved seeing the boys so happy. James went into the kitchen and set the food down on the table.

"We should get more to be safe. Connor you and me will go hunting. You three stay and rest," he ordered.

We all nodded and he and Connor headed off to the plains. There he goes again. Not even a hello.

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