Chapter 13

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James' POV

After letting Five Seconds of Summer go back to their own pack and sorting out how we could help each other, I tracked Brad's scent to find out where he'd went. I came to a small part of the woods when I heard familiar voices.

"Both of my parents died. Many people in my kingdom died. I've had so many things taken away from me Brad and I'm afraid that if I come back I'm gonna lose what I really want. What I really need."

"You mean Tia?" Brad asked.

The mention of my sister's name made me perk up. I looked through the bushes to see who he was talking to and saw that it was Elyar. The same Elyar that was going out with Tia.

"I remember Tia from before the pack's downfall. I used to sit at the balcony in the castle and watch her and James playing on the streets. Even back then I thought she was amazing. And now... I'm in love with her Brad."

"You love her?" I said walking out of the bushes.

Brad and Elyar turned around shocked at my presence.

"How could you love her?" I said walking towards him.

Brad stopped me by putting a hand on my shoulder. Elyar didn't move away from me.

"She's the most amazing thing that's happened to me. I know I'm in love with her. I can't live without her now," Elyar said calmly.

"Well over my dead body are you gonna be anywhere near her!" I shouted.

"Why don't you let her decide what to do?! Why do you have to control her entire life?! She wants to know what it's like to experience new things and you're only stopping her!" he retaliated.

"Don't tell me how to look after my own family!"

"Your only family! And if you don't give her the freedom she deserves then you'll lose her altogether!" he retorted.

"She is my sister and I have the right to keep her safe!"

"From me?! What could I possibly do to her?! I love her for god's sake!"

"That is my order! Stay away from her! I never want to see you near her again!"

"Try and stop me James!" he growled.

He turned away from me and ran away, disappearing into the forest.

"Next time I see you I will kill you!" I roared.

I turned around, heading back to our house. I was filled with frustration and rage.

"What the hell are you playing at James?!" Brad shouted as he ran in front of me.

I stopped walking, "They can't be in love! Three months!"

"That's more time than she gets to spend with you! At least he spends three months with her! With you it's only once every three months!" he retorted.

"Don't you start! You know how dangerous it is!"

"Yeah to have a brother like you! If she tells you anything you'll just use it against her! All you do is hurt her!"

His words angered me. As he continued to insult me I became more furious. My mind became clouded with rage and all I could see was red. Every part of my common sense disappeared as I clenched my fist. I lifted it in the air and threw it full force at Brad's face. My fist collided with his jaw and I watched him fall to the ground. It took me a minute to calm down and realise what I'd done. I'd just punched one of my best friends.

"Brad, I'm sorry I never meant to-"

"Get away from me," he said holding his jaw.

I saw his face as he turned to me. He had a split lip and blood started running from his nose. He stood up.

"You're supposed to protect your pack. But when are you gonna realise that you're the danger."

I didn't reply to him. I let him walk away back to the pack. I fell to the ground shocked at my own actions. I never thought I would hurt someone, especially my own pack. I spent my time in the forest thinking about what happened and where it all went wrong.

Brad's POV

I couldn't believe what he did. I never thought it would come to violence. I never thought James would hurt anyone let alone someone in his own pack.

I walked back to the house holding my jaw. It was swelling and throbbing and at the moment really painful. I could feel the stinging sensation that came with the spilt lip and the dripping red liquid from my nose. It was making me very drowsy and I was starting to find it hard to focus.

Eventually, I made it to the bottom of the hill where Tristan, Connor and Tia were standing in front of the house. Connor and Tia ran over to me as my vision became blurry. I heard Tristan howling to Five Seconds of Summer for help. None of us were ever this ill and none of us had ever passed out until I lost all of my focus and fell limp into Connor and Tia.

Connor's POV

I caught Brad as he collapsed. This wasn't good. None of us knew what to do. He looked really weak as he went a slightly pale colour.

"Let's get him into the house," I stated.

Tia nodded and me and Tristan lifted Brad into the house and lowered him onto his bed. Five Seconds of Summer came in and saw the state of Brad. They were shocked, well we all were.

"What should we do?" Tristan asked.

"I don't know. We need to get him help," I said. "We need medical help."

"I don't think there is anyone that can help," Calum sighed.

"Wait, there is someone. It's a little far fetched but from what I know he's the only one that even remotely knows how to help," Ashton said.

"Who is it? We need them Ashton, Brad won't get better if we don't help him," I said hopefully.

"It's Tom Parker. From The Wanted," he said unsurely.

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