Chapter 12

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Elyar's POV

I was walking through the woods when I heard someone shouting, "It's The Wanted!"

I knew I was close to Tia's pack so that could only mean they were being attacked. I jogged down the side of the hill behind their house and watched the fight from a distance.

I saw the boys all trying to be strong with Five Seconds of Summer trying to do the same. James and Ashton's wolves were trying to avoid Tom's attacks but they weren't very lucky. Tom got both of them and managed to push them down. They both turned back to humans as Tom's wolf stood over them.

I knew I couldn't jump into the fight without being spotted. I decided to give the boys a helping hand instead. I summoned some of the gold wolf's power by closing my eyes and focusing. I used the power to help the boys see sense.

I opened my eyes to look at all the boys as they were near losing the fight. Then James seemed to have an epiphany and looked towards Ashton.

"Ashton! Watch out!" he yelled pushing Ashton away from Tom.

Tom pounced and pinned James to the ground. He struggled to break free until Ashton pulled Tom up by his neck and pushed him off of James. He held out a hand and James took it, pulling himself up.

Connor looked over at the two of them watching their teamwork in amazement. He heard a growl and turned his head towards where Jay had Luke pinned down. He got up and pushed Jay off of him. Luke looked between Connor and Jay in surprise.

Brad watched both James and Connor shocked at their cooperation. He looked around him and looked straight in my direction. He must have figured out that I had used my powers to make them work together. After realising this Brad got up preparing to fight off Max.

"Come on Calum," he said to Calum's wolf.

Calum got up following his lead. Brad ran to Max and dodged him as he snapped. He punched the wolf in the side of the head. As Max stumbled Calum's wolf jumped in and bit the top of his neck. He threw Max behind him and watched him fall over. As Max regained himself Brad used one hand to jump over Calum's wolf and kicked Max in the face.

Tristan and Michael were still sitting on the ground getting soaked by the rain as they watched the others. James and Ashton were now fighting with Siva as well as Tom. Tristan looked to the side of them and saw Nathan heading for the window. He and Michael got up and hurled him away.

The Vamps and Five Seconds of Summer worked together to fight off The Wanted. They were working very well and eventually Max, Nathan, Jay and Siva ran off. Tom looked at the eight boys and reluctantly retreated after his pack.

As the rain fell down all of the boys looked around at each other in surprise. Brad turned around and stared in my direction again. I simply nodded and he copied my actions as a gesture of understanding.

"What does this mean?" Luke asked.

"I dunno," Ashton replied.

"Well... Because of our teamwork I suppose we could consider this a truce," James suggested.

"But a one-off truce?" Connor asked.

"No... I think this should be a permanent truce," Ashton said looking towards James.

"Yeah," James agreed. "A permanent truce."

Both of the packs agreed and they celebrated their new found friendship. As they cheered and got into discussions about how the packs would work together, I decided to go back to my cave.

Brad's POV

I looked around at all of the happy faces. Tia was now outside and got a hug from James. We all exchanged formal introductions and then a few conversations took place between the packs. I wasn't really involved so I decided to sneak off. I ran into the forest and followed the scent. Eventually, I saw him walking away from our house.

"Elyar!" I called to him.

He turned around and saw me coming towards him.

"Brad, good to see you," he said.

"Yeah, I just wanted to thank you so much for what you did. I know you used your powers," I stated.

"Well, you looked like you needed a little hand," he shrugged.

"We really did. That could've been the end of us. You know the packs are getting more violent. They could've killed us," I said.

"Well I'm glad I could help," he said casually.

"Elyar can't you see that the packs need you. They need their leader back. Without you they're becoming more vicious. It probably won't be long before we start killing each other but you can stop it," I said.

He sighed and rubbed a hand through his wet hair.

"It's not that easy. I can't just come back," he said painfully.

"Once they see you everything will go back to normal. Fear makes others follow but when they see you they'll turn away from rivalry," I explained.

"Not when I'm weak. Wolves follow the strongest member. I'm not strong enough."

"You're joking. You've got so much power. More strength than you know what to do with."

He sighed and looked at the ground.

"I think what you mean is your not emotionally strong," I said.

He paused as he was deep in thought. Then he looked at me with pain in his eyes.

"Both of my parents died. Many people in my kingdom died. I've had so many things taken away from me Brad and I'm afraid that if I come back I'm gonna lose what I really want. What I really need."

"You mean Tia?"

"I remember Tia from before the packs downfall. I used to sit at the balcony in the castle and watch her and James playing on the streets. Even back then I thought she was amazing. And now... I'm in love with her Brad."

I nodded and kept the same facial expression but inside I was so happy for him and Tia.

"You love her?"

I turned around and we both looked in the direction of where the voice came from. Standing there, soaking wet and with a shocked facial expression was James.

Elyar Fox Gold WolfWhere stories live. Discover now