Chapter 9

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Elyar's POV

The next day we both left the cave to get Tia back to her pack. She didn't tell James she was leaving so it had been a whole day since he last saw her. We knew he'd be worried.

We got up, walked down the mountain and started towards the pack. She was holding my hand and she was close to my side because of the cold. It was still early in the morning so the temperature was still pretty low. The closeness between us reminded me of yesterday. That kiss was amazing. It felt right to kiss her and I wanted her to be mine. I wanted to be more than friends.

I was brought out of my thoughts as she suddenly stopped. I looked around and saw that we were on the hill just above where her pack was. I must have been thinking for a long time because the journey from my home to hers usually took longer.

"Well I better get home. Thank you for yesterday. I had a great time," she smiled.

"I did too," I smiled back.

She leaned up and kissed my cheek which only made me smile more.

"Bye," she waved as she walked off down the mountain.

I watched her walk down the mountain towards her house. Her brother came out of the door and gave her a hug when she was close enough to the house. I stood watching them both until someone grabbed me from behind. They held my wrists together and then someone else helped to lead me down the mountain. I then realised that the people were Connor and Tristan. They were leading me down to James. He was gonna find out about me and Tia.

They brought me down the mountain and held me in front of James and Tia.

"So this is the guy," James said coming towards me.

"What? James what are you talking about?" Tia said trying to cover up our secret.

"Don't treat me like I'm stupid Tia. How can we not know about him? The guy that's always standing by that rock when you leave so suddenly after two howls. It's obvious," he stated angrily staring straight at Tia.

He turned back towards me. He had an angered look in his eye.

"Who are you?"

"Elyar Fox."

"Do you know what's gonna happen now?"

He didn't give me a chance to answer as he punched my stomach. Connor and Tristan dropped me so I fell on the ground.

"Stand up and fight!" James shouted.

He turned into his wolf and stood ready to fight in front of me. He growled and glared at me as I stared back at him. I stood up, brushed off my jeans and looked at him.

"I'm not gonna fight you," I said calmly.

James seemed to take this as an insult as he snapped forward trying to bite me. I moved back and dodged his attack as he continued to growl at me. He tried to attack again and again and I dodged each time. I got frustrated and fought back, punching my fist into his face knocking him back.

"I said no!" I shouted and then I ran off back towards my cave.

Brad's POV

After Elyar ran off James turned back to human form. He looked really angry and his eyes turned dark. He glared at Tia and walked towards her.

"In the house now!" he growled at her.

She moved away, intimidated by his anger and went into the house. He followed after her and closed the door telling us to wait outside. We all listened to him because to be honest we were scared of him too.

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