Chapter 11

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Tia's POV

Me and Brad talked for ages until eventually the door opened. James looked into the house and saw me and Brad at the kitchen table.

"Brad go and get more firewood with Connor and Tristan," he said.

Brad looked at me worriedly and confusedly but got up and left the house. James came over and sat in Brads previous spot beside me. He looked upset and a little guilty. He was staring at his hands that were on the table avoiding eye contact with me. I looked at him closely and saw tears in his eyes.

"James?" I asked concerned about him.

I had barely ever seen my brother cry. Not even when we lost our parents. He was too focused on keeping us safe and finding somewhere to live. He was always so strong but now he was in front of me looking really upset.

He turned to me slightly when he heard his name and I saw his face. His eyes were red and bloodshot. Maybe he had cried before now but he wouldn't cry in front of the boys would he?

"Tia," he started with a sob. "I'm so sorry. I never meant to hurt you and I never meant for us to drift apart. I really do miss those times when we were close. When we'd play on the streets outside our house. When we both got our wolves and dad let us go running into the forest. We were so close as brother and sister but I know we've drifted apart. I just thought that boy would take you away from me and I honestly can't cope without having you here. You're my little sister and you're my only family left and I promised dad I'd look after you. I guess I took that too far."

I felt so bad for James. He'd never been like this before. I never saw him cry like this and when I did we were only kids.

I moved my chair over to James and hugged him. I didn't want us to be like this. I wanted us to be like we were before the packs broke away from the kingdom, before we met the boys and before we had to learn to survive.

"I'm sorry about Elyar. I should've told you," I said.

"Why would you? I'm not a good enough brother to accept it. No wonder you hid it from me," he said pulling away from the hug and looking at the table.

"No James, you're the best brother ever. I'm glad you're worried about me. It's just things have changed so much since we were kids. I know we've kind of been forced to grow up but I never wanted to lose you," I said comfortingly.

James nodded and rubbed his face removing any stray tears. He stood up and held his arms open. I stepped into them and let my brother hug me. It was nice to have him with me as my brother. He was always so protective and it was nice to see how worried about me he was.

James kissed my hair and rested his chin on top of my head. From outside we could hear the patter of the rain. It was nice for once.

"Love you James," I said.

"Love you too Ti," James replied and I felt him smile.

"Hey Ti?"


"You know if you tell the boys I cried I will end you right?"

I laughed quietly to myself, "I guessed that."

He laughed too and eventually we pulled out of the hug.

"Now I can try to be a brother again," he smiled.

"You were always my brother. I just didn't want to lose you like we lost mum and dad," I smiled back.

He nodded and hugged me again. We were interrupted by the door opening. Brad stood their with an urgent look on his face. He was soaking wet because of the rain. I forgot that he, Connor and Tristan were outside.

"It's Five Seconds of Summer. They're raiding us," he said in a panic.

"Let's go," James said urgently running outside.

I stayed inside, bolted up the door and locked the windows. I watched out the window as each of the boys fought against one of Five Seconds of Summer. Suddenly, something bright orange flew past the window and landed on the ground. I looked down at it to see it was a flaming arrow and then Connor shouted.

"It's The Wanted!"

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