Chapter 7

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"Get the barricade!" I shouted to George and Josh.

For those who didn't know who we are, we're Union J and at the moment Lawson were raiding us. It wasn't a good situation to be in. Lawson were strong and they knew how to fight. Granted they still fell victim to The Wanted's strength but they put up a good fight.

"The barricade's up!" George shouted.

"Jaymi light it up!" I yelled.

Jaymi got a torch and lit the top of the barricade on fire. I stood behind the fire trying to find the members of Lawson. George, Josh and Jaymi did the same trying to use the barricade to hide.

Suddenly from beside me I heard George and Josh shout out in fright. I turned to look at them to see they'd disappeared. At almost the exact same time Jaymi vanished as well. I was going to run into the house to get more firewood but I was pulled by my arm and thrown over the fire wall. I looked up and saw Andy, the alpha of Lawson. From behind him I could see Adam run into the house to steal our food.

I growled and turned into my grey wolf and fought against Andy as he turned into his red wolf. I knew I wasn't strong enough and that Jaymi, Josh and George would've been taken down already but I had to try and stop them.

As I tried to fight back Andy got the better of me and threw me to the ground. Before I had the chance to get up, Andy jumped at me and grabbed my throat between his teeth. He started biting into it slowly as I struggled to knock him off. I thought I was dead until a howl from Adam told them and us that they'd successfully taken our food. Ryan and Joel ran off following Adam and Andy dropped me to join them.

I turned back into human form and put my hand to my throat taking deep breaths. Lawson were brutal but they never killed, none of the packs did including The Wanted. But that attack today just proved that the packs were getting more violent, even us. That was the thing about survival, we had to be strong.

I was brought out of my thoughts by George running over and helping me up. I rubbed my hand over my throat to find only a few small indents where Andy's teeth had been. He didn't puncture my skin. Jaymi and Josh both jogged over after picking themselves up.

"Are you alright?" Josh asked.

"I'm fine, but we need to get more food. We'll go tomorrow when it's brighter," I replied.

The three boys nodded and we all went into the house. After the raid we weren't expecting anymore, it was way too late now. As I went inside I felt my throat again and looked towards Lawson's land. The attacks were becoming more aggressive and soon I was worried that we could be in danger.

Ashton's POV

When morning came, I was the first one to wake up. I looked around and saw Luke, Calum and Michael all asleep. I got up and prepared breakfast using fruit we found last night in the jungle. As all of the boys woke up I gave each of them a bowl of the different fruits we had.

I walked over to window as I was washing the bowls while the boys went over to their beds and lay down joking around a little. I watched out the window and saw a small orangey glow in the sky. I squinted my eyes to try and see it clearer but then it hit the ground. A flaming arrow. Oh God.

"It's The Wanted!" I shouted to the boys running to the door.

"What?!" Luke exclaimed.

I ran outside and looked around as the arrow began catching fire to the grass. I grabbed a bucket of water and put out the fire but I didn't see Max as he pushed me down to the ground. I looked up and saw him towering me. He was about to strike again when Calum's orangey brown wolf tackled him and pushed him away from me. I looked up at the door and saw Luke and Michael run out to fight Nathan.

I jumped up as Siva came to attack me and helped the boys to hold them off. We were doing great until Tom stepped in. As me and Calum had Max and Siva on even ground I saw Tom throw Luke and Michael aside. I broke away from Siva and pushed him into Max to defend the boys who were now on the ground.

I went to fight Tom but he kneed me in the stomach and pushed me down beside Luke and Michael. Calum looked over at the three of us only to be slammed down by a fist to his back. He landed on the ground like the rest of us as The Wanted just laughed.

"Come on. Get the food and go," Tom ordered.

So they did, they took all of the food we had left. I couldn't understand why The Wanted had become so vicious and arrogant. They used to get along with everyone in the kingdom. I guess they had no choice though, out here it's survival of the fittest. If you couldn't fight then you stood no chance. Everyone in all of the packs used to get along really well, but all of that disappeared the second we were divided.

I helped the boys to their feet and we went back into the house, devastated to see every last piece of food gone. We kind of expected that though especially when it was The Wanted involved. I lay on my bed trying to rest from the beating I got. The boys said they would stay up and wake me if there was another raid. I was grateful for their help, they knew I needed a rest. I would go out hunting later when I felt better.

Louis' POV

We had little food last night after a raid from Union J. Luckily there was food for breakfast. We decided that it would be best to go on a raid ourselves to get more food and other essentials.

We decided to raid The Vamps because we could out number them. Although, The Vamps were very tough. They could give Lawson a run for their money but from what we knew they were the only ones with food that was even remotely close to us and wasn't The Wanted.

We headed away from our house and dashed straight across the plains towards The Vamps' territory. When we could see the house we stopped to discuss our manoeuvre. I looked over at the house and saw the four boys outside. Connor and Tristan were fighting as wolves just for fun. Brad was leaning against the house watching and James was sitting on the roof examining his arm.

"Damn it, they're all outside," I stated.

"How're we gonna get the food?" Zayn asked.

I thought for a minute trying to think of the simplest strategy.

"Ok here's what we'll do. Me, Zayn, Niall and Liam will take on one of The Vamps each and Harry you get the food. Go around the side and break in. We'll cover for you."

The boys all nodded in response to my plan and we looked over at the house. Me, Zayn, Niall and Liam jumped out of our hiding place, turned into wolves and charged at The Vamps' house. James perked up and told the rest of his pack that we were coming. They all wolfed out as Connor and Tristan ran for Niall and Liam, Brad attacked Zayn and James fought against me.

I'm not going to lie, The Vamps were strong. They were able to hold us off for a long time and wouldn't let us get near their house. Whilst fighting James, I glanced over at Harry to see him edging towards the house. Unfortunately, I made myself too obvious and James saw what I was looking at. He pushed me back a few feet and then got a stone and threw it right at Harry's face. He yelped in pain as James ran to fight him.

I tried to pick myself up but was pushed back down by Brad's wolf. I looked over and saw Zayn, Niall and Liam struggling against Tristan and Connor.

"Fall back!" I shouted.

I pushed Brad off of me and shoved Tristan and Connor away from the boys. Harry scrambled to his feet and we all ran back to our pack lands.

"Well that went well," Zayn mumbled sarcastically earning a whack on the side of the head from Liam.

"What'll we do now?" Niall asked.

"We'll have to go hunting instead," I replied. "We can't go another night without food. We need to eat something. We'll go out later. Let's just rest up after that little fight."

The boys all nodded in agreement and we all headed into our house. We were tired after fighting with The Vamps so we would rest and then find food.

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