Chapter 8

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Tia's POV

The boys filled me in on what happened while I was out in the jungle with Elyar. They defended an attack from One Direction which was great. We were a strong pack. We probably could've defeated Five Seconds of Summer easily if The Wanted hadn't attacked too.

When I woke up the morning after the attack I got changed and went to the kitchen to make breakfast without waking the boys. I was washing the dishes in the sink when I heard two howls. I looked out the window and saw Elyar standing on the rock. I smiled to myself and looked at the boys. They were all still asleep in their beds. I could leave without them knowing but they would be worried. I decided to risk it and go anyway.

I ran to the side of my bed and pulled on my shoes. I opened the door giving the boys one last glance to make sure they were asleep. After reassuring myself they were, I left closing the door quietly behind me. I ran over to Elyar and smiled as I got to him.

"Hey," he said jumping down from the rock returning the smile.

"Hi," I replied.

"Um, I don't have anything planned today so I thought maybe we could just talk?" he shrugged.

He looked cute as he stood almost looking guilty because he hadn't planned anything. He saw me watching him and did the puppy dog eyes which made me laugh.

"It's ok, we could go to yours and talk in the cave?" I suggested.

He nodded and led me towards his home. I looked up at Elyar as I walked beside and slightly behind him. He looked amazing. His hair almost looked like gold and sat perfectly with not one hair out of place. He had muscles that weren't very big but you could still see them under a shirt. His eyes, they were so captivating, mesmerising, even hypnotic. They were a dark brown that looked like deep pools of chocolate that I would lie in all day.

He was very attractive and I'd be lying if I said I didn't have a crush on him because I did. In fact my feelings for him grew every day I spent with him. He's like an angel sent to free me from my boring old life. To make me feel like a human being. To make me feel freedom. To make me feel loved.

My thoughts were interrupted as we got to his cave on the side of the mountain. We walked into the cave and suddenly the sky let the booming sound of thunder echo around the earth. Elyar went to the mouth of the cave again and looked outside.

"There's a storm coming. Maybe coming here wasn't a good idea. You won't be able to get home," he said turning to me.

"It's ok, I'll stay here until the storm passes," I replied.

"Good, I don't want you out in that storm."

So we both stayed in his cave. It was raining heavily outside and every so often there was a boom of thunder or crash of lightning. We weren't fazed by it though. Elyar had food in his cave that he had caught earlier so we ate it for dinner. Now me and Elyar were sitting against one wall of the cave listening to the rain. Elyar was sitting beside me with one arm around me. I cuddled into his chest to keep warm also because it was a nice place to be. We were sitting in a comfortable silence until Elyar decided to speak.

"So how did you and your brother get the pack you have?" he asked.

"Um, well they all sort of came to us. When we were building our new house Connor attacked us, then Tristan tried to steal our food. James took them all in. But Brad was different. We found him lying in a field and we assumed he was dead but James brought him home and he woke up with us. They all sort of came to us because of the gold wolf running away," I explained.

"Oh yeah," Elyar said looking a little annoyed.

"What's wrong? You've heard about the gold wolf?"

"Yeah, that coward ruined everything for everyone. Made them become the criminals they are today. Made them steal from each other and fight each other. If I could change things then I would," he said looking out of the cave.

I put my hand on his chin and moved his head around to look at me. He looked down at me with his eyes full of hurt and disappointment.

"Elyar it's ok. Everything's fine now. You've got shelter and you've got food," I said.

"And I've got you," he said looking into my eyes.

I didn't realise how close we were until then. Our faces were only a few inches apart. I noticed he started to lean in and I responded by doing the same. I closed my eyes as our lips touched. There were sparks flying through my body like cliche kisses but they felt like fireworks in perfect harmony and a beautiful explosion of feeling. Our lips moved in sync and I lifted a hand up to his cheek. All too soon he pulled away. We were both trying to catch our breath and he looked into my eyes.

"You've no idea how long I've wanted to do that," he said quietly.

I smiled at his response but then we were interrupted by the sound of thunder. We looked towards the mouth of the cave to see it was dark outside. Elyar got up from where he was sitting and went over to the pile of wood in the middle of the room to set it on fire.

"We should get some sleep," he said.

I nodded and rose from where I was sitting. As I did this Elyar went to where he was lying on the ground the last time I was here.

"You're in the bed this time," I stated.

"No, you need to sleep there," he retorted.

"No, I'm not letting you lie on the floor," I whined.

"Well there's nowhere else to sleep."

"Well then lie in the bed with me," I suggested.

His face changed to an expression of curiosity. Like he was trying to see if I was being serious.

"Are you sure that's alright?" he asked.

"Yeah, come on I don't want you to be uncomfortable," I said.

"Ok ok," he laughed. "I'll take the bullet."

"Excuse me?" I said giving him a 'really' look.

This only made him laugh more. He walked over to the bed and sat on it, taking off his shoes. I took my shoes off and lay in the bed. Elyar got in beside me and I lay with my back to him and facing the mouth of the cave.

"Good night Tia," I heard him say from behind me.

"Night Elyar."

I closed my eyes and tried to sleep but it was very cold. Instead of sleeping I tried to keep myself warm. Elyar moved from beside me and I turned over slightly to see him leaning on his elbow.

"Are you ok? You're shivering a lot," he said.

"Well, it's kind of cold. I can't really sleep to be honest," I admitted.

"Let me try something," he said.

I turned over so I was facing him. He wrapped his arms around me and brought me close to his chest. Somehow I was cloaked in warmth.

"Is that any better?" he asked.

"Yeah, how come you're so warm?"

"Well, I don't know if you've noticed but I'm pretty hot stuff," he said causing both of us to laugh.

"Really?" I said rhetorically.

"Well, call it a wolf thing. I can live here because I'm a wolf," he explained.

I nodded and said goodnight to him. He said goodnight too and we both settled into a deep and pleasant sleep.

Elyar Fox Gold WolfWhere stories live. Discover now