Chapter 17

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Elyar's POV

I was walking in the forest between my mountain and Tia's pack. There was a lovely waterfall there with a small hidden lake. I walked beside it until I saw a figure sitting at the edge of the water looking at their hands.

I walked closer to the figure to see who it was and probably help them out. That's when I saw him. It was James. He looked afraid, in fact terrified. I knew by how he acted that it wasn't what he was usually like. He was never afraid.

I was contemplating whether I should help him or not but then it hit me. I was supposed to look after everyone in my kingdom. Even though the kingdom was long forgotten I felt that it still stood today.

I walked over to James not caring about how he would react. I put a hand on his shoulder and he jumped at the sudden contact. He looked up at me with a surprised expression considering he did say he would kill me the next time he saw me.

"James what's wrong?" I asked kneeling down beside him.

"N-Nothing," he stuttered. "Y-you shouldn't... Be here."

"James I want to help you. I know you don't approve of me and Tia but I have to help you," I explained.

"How can you? I'm a wreck. I've hurt people and I can't stop myself."

"You can stop James. There's no one saying you can't. It will get better."

"Well then why would you help me?" he questioned. "All I've done is threatened you. I punched you, I fought you and I threatened to kill you if you went near my sister."

I looked at him sympathetically, "It's not your fault."

I moved some hair from the top of his head and saw an obvious vein that was exposed. I rubbed my finger over it and James winced at the pain. I covered it over with my hand.

"It's because you haven't had a king in so long. It happens to each alpha. Being in charge for so long when they shouldn't be causes them to become violent. A new side of the mind dominates and that's why you try to keep people beneath you. That and the added bonus of someone with your sister," I explained.

"Then how do I stop?" he asked sounding desperate.

I lifted my hand and saw the vein had disappeared.

"You already have," I said standing up. "How does it feel?"

He stood up and looked down at his hands, examining them.

"I... It feels so much clearer. My head. I feel like I can think straight," he said smiling.


"How did you do that?" he asked looking at me.

"There's one major thing about me James. What wolf can survive alone? What wolf can live without having to take orders? And what heir could you call a coward or a runaway?"

James thought everything through in his mind. He focused on everything I had just said and eventually it all clicked together. He looked at me as I confirmed his assumption.

"I'm the gold wolf."

As I said this I heard a branch snap not too far away. I took my opportunity and ran out of there as fast as I could. I couldn't let them see me. Not yet.

James' POV

After hearing what he had just said I was shocked. How could I not see it? A wolf without a pack would never be able to survive on their own and I knew he wasn't from a pack. It was bloody obvious!

My thoughts were interrupted as I could hear footsteps on the leaves and branch's of the forest floor. I turned around and saw Tristan, Connor, Tia and Brad running towards me along with Tom. I jumped back at the site of him and moved into a more threatening position, ready to turn into my wolf.

"James it's ok," Tristan said.

"He won't hurt you. He's trying to help us," Connor added.

Tom looked at me and nodded. I turned to look at each of the members of my own pack. My eyes landed on Brad. There was a bruise on the side of his face but he didn't seem to care about it. He was looking at me worriedly. Not worried about himself but worried about me. He wasn't scornful or angry at all.

"Brad, I'm sorry about earlier," I said.

"It's fine," he replied.

"No it isn't. I shouldn't have hit you," I said annoyed with myself.

"You hit him?" Tristan asked surprised.

"James, how could you?!" Tia shouted obviously angry.

"I can explain. I honestly can. I understand everything now," I pleaded.

"Why would you punch someone in your own pack?!" Connor growled.

"Guys that's enough," Brad said walking over to me. "I still trust in James that there is a reason. We all know how strange he's been acting. There has to be an explanation for it."

"He's right. And there is. I was angry and that was clouding my mind but it was only because I've been a leader for so long when I'm not supposed to be. Look," I stated.

I walked over to Tom and moved some of his hair back. I saw an exposed vein so I guessed that was what was wrong.

"What are you doing?" Tom said suspiciously.

"Look at this," I said to the others.

They all walked over and saw the vein.

"I had one of those too. But now I don't," I said moving my own hair so they could see. "When you lead a pack for so long when you're not supposed to this develops. A more aggressive part of the brain takes over and it makes us violent. It's happening to all of the alphas."

"Then how come you don't have it anymore?" Tristan asked.

"I was healed. That guy Tia is with healed me," I stated.

"How'd he do that?" Tom asked.

"It was the gold wolf," I replied.

"The gold wolf? I thought he was dead," Connor said.

"Well he's not. He's just been missing and it's forced the alphas to take control. That's why the packs are getting more violent," I explained.

"And that's why the attacks are getting more violent. The order of the alphas," Tom continued.

"What about the war? It must be the climax to the alphas' condition," Brad stated.

"What war?" Tristan asked.

"At some point all of the packs will go into a huge fight to determine who is in charge of all the packs. There will definitely be lives lost," Tom stated.

"Then we need to stop it," Connor said determinedly.

Our conversation was cut off by the howls of four other wolves. I looked at Tom and the two of us howled back at them in reply. The others waited for us to explain what it was.

"It's the war," Tom said simply.

My pack got shocked expressions on their faces and they turned to face me.

"It's tomorrow."

Elyar Fox Gold WolfWhere stories live. Discover now