Chapter 19

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Elyar's POV

I was in my cave watching as the skies became darker. It was coming close to night time and the stars were just beginning to appear. I knew tomorrow there would be a war. All the packs would fight in a ruthless battle until only one remained. If people didn't follow them then they would be killed.

I stood in my cave looking over the land in front of me. Just over the hill I could see the area in the middle of the packs. The area that would soon be a battleground. I saw the hunting lands and I saw the forest far to the left where The Wanted resided and somewhere behind that forest from my point of view was Lawson's home.

From where I was standing I could also see someone coming from the forest. It was a wolf running towards my mountain. It had beautiful fur. It was like silver as it shone slightly under the light of the stars and the moon.

Obviously, I was talking about Tia and I was so lost in thought that I didn't realise how close she was. She climbed the mountain and before I knew it she was standing in front of me. I smiled and hugged her and she immediately hugged me back.

"I'm glad you came," I smiled.

She didn't say anything. We just stayed in a comfortable silence for a while, until she pulled away to look at me.

"I wanted to see you," she said. "You know about the war."

I sighed and nodded moving to the mouth of the cave and sitting with my legs dangling over the edge.

"I know," I replied.

"We could really use your help. You can stop it," she said slowly and calmly.

"I don't know Tia. I want to stop it but how can I?"

"You're the gold wolf."

"When have I ever earned that name though? How do I deserve that title when I've never lived up to it?" I asked getting frustrated.

There was a short pause before Tia spoke.

"Elyar, you don't have to earn it. You just have to be the leader that I know you are. You can't hide away from it. Whatever happens tomorrow you know you can make a difference," she said kneeling down beside me.

"Then what do I do? What do I say?"

"You'll think of something. A great king never fails."

"Well I'm not a great king."

"Yes you are, you've already got The Vamps and Five Seconds of Summer and The Wanted on your side. That's half of the packs," she stated.

"But I've never met The Wanted," I said confusedly.

"I know but when they heard you were still alive they listened. They obeyed James' orders and now they're relying on you. We all are."

"I... I want to help. But I'm scared," I said pathetically.

"You don't need to be scared," she replied.

I paused for a second and looked up at her.

"Will you be there? Not just with The Vamps but-"

"Yes I'll be with you," she interrupted knowing I was stressing more than I needed to. "I'll always support you and tomorrow I'll be there for you."

All I could think to do was kiss her. It was a short kiss but I felt it was enough to show her I loved her. She was all the reassurance I needed. If she was at the fight tomorrow then I knew I would have the strength to do everything I had to do to save the packs.

Tia pulled away from me and smiled which only made me smile back in reply.

"So the war is tomorrow?" I asked.


"So we still have tonight?"

She nodded.

"Then can we do something?"

"Like what?" she asked.

"I want to take you out. On a date."

"But I've already eaten and so have you," she stated.

"We don't have to eat. I've got the perfect idea. Just trust me," I said holding my hand out.

She smiled and took it and I led her out of my cave. I went to the right of my mountain. It was the opposite way to where The Wanted's forest was and there was another mountain not too far from mine. I brought Tia to my favourite part of the forest I the mountain and she looked amazed by what she saw.

We were standing on a cliff of the mountain, it was a clearing where we could see over everything. We were on a ledge looking over the forest below us and the pack lands in the distance. One of the best things about it was the fact that there was a river running past us and a waterfall behind us.

"It's so beautiful," Tia said in complete amazement.

She looked around at the forest below and the river. I walked behind her and hugged my arms around her waist resting my chin on her shoulder.

"That's not even the best part," I said.

"How can it get better than this?"

I smirked to myself and moved so I lay on the ground pulling Tia with me. She looked at me in surprise at the sudden movement. I pointed towards the sky and she looked up from her position beside me. She was propped up on one elbow to look at me but once she saw the millions of stars above us I knew she wouldn't look away. I moved her beside me and she lay with her head on my chest.

We lay like that for the whole night. It was nice just lying in a comfortable silence. The sky was so beautiful and to actually spend some quality time with Tia was something I would cherish.

"I know I'll be fine tomorrow," I said breaking the silence at one point.

"I know. You're a lot stronger than you think," Tia replied.

"I'm strong when you're with me. I have to protect you no matter what it takes. With that in mind, I won't let anyone get hurt tomorrow. I'm gonna end this war before it starts."

Elyar Fox Gold WolfWhere stories live. Discover now