22. Now is the time

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    Later in the day Sarah and I were tasked with handing out flyers to encourage students to individually interview the vice president candidates on the third floor

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    Later in the day Sarah and I were tasked with handing out flyers to encourage students to individually interview the vice president candidates on the third floor.

    And Thayer was working hard to maintain order. It was the first I've ever seen him that serious with a school task. The students seem very enthusiastic too. They stood in long lines, waiting to test each candidate and see who to potentially vote for. It was exciting, to say the least.

"Maybe I should go interview the Asian in the middle," Sarah smirked, as we paused to one side in the main hallway.

I scoffed. "First of all, you're taken and secondly, Lee looks to be more interested in the presidency than anything else."

He seemed super focused and confident while speaking with each student. Rosalind lingered close by his booth as well, giving encouraging words to him and the other two candidates.

    The other two were both females, who I learnt were also from the Ace student cohort. Daisy Percy was a black girl who had hair so long, it straightened to her mid-back. The more I stared at her flawless brown skin and shiny mane, the more I believed she was from Indian heritage.

The other girl was Lucy Muckle, a girl from Trinidad who didn't speak much but surprised quite a few people about her interest in the election.

"You might be right, plus Nathan would kill me," Sarah's chuckle transformed into a cough, and I stared at her worriedly.

"Are you sick?"

She sighed. "I think I messed up my sinuses when I went to Nathan's game the other day."

"You won't survive volleyball in that state."

"I thought we were going to switch to swimming?" she asked.

"Oh right, Zander."


    "Less talking more working," a voice said from behind us, and we turned and saw Thayer. I felt a short relief that he actually said something to me, but it was short-lived when he only gave Sarah his attention.

"How much longer do we have to do this?" she asked.

"Until at least 50 students have recorded their feedback from the interview," he replied calmly, meeting my eyes briefly before walking off again. I sighed.

"Are you two not on talking terms?" Sarah asked curiously. "I thought you had a good date."

    "It wasn't a date," I insisted, shoving a flyer to a passing student and began walking down the hallway again. "And he's upset because...Duke said something to him." My cheeks warmed while I grew nervous. I wasn't necessarily keen on telling people about Duke and me but maybe Sarah could be an exception?

Her eyes widened. "Norah Saunders, what are you not telling me?" she squealed.

I hesitated, thinking it over, when my eyes caught sight of Noel standing further down the hallway, chatting with some other seniors.

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