Chapter 11

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Blossom P.O.V

I was shocked I thought me and my friends destroyed HIM ages ago.

"Yes that's me" he said as he came out of the shadows.

"How are you alive me and my friends destroyed you ages ago" I said.

"Well not quite destroyed me your to weak to destroy me" he laughed.

"Shut up and let me out" I said angry.

"Oh blossom your here because I am going to Destroy you" he laughed.

"What why me" I said confused.

"If you die the powderpuff girls will be weak and your friends will die after your death. He laughed and smirked.

"What my friends won't die they are strong and I will be the one to protect them" I said angry.

"But I am not the only one here" he smirked I was confused.

"What do you mean your not the only one" I said confused

"Look back and you will see" he smirked. I looked back and sore moyo jojo, gang green gang, fuzzie lumpkings, butch, bommer, princess morebucks, powerpunk girls and some other villains. I was scared these time because there where more villains and just one hero and it is me.

"See blossom it's not just me all the villains are here to destroy you and no one will stop us from killing you" he said and laughed evilly.

"You won't get away with this HIM" I said angry.

"But I think I just did" he said while smirking and laughing evilly. I sore every villains are holding something they are putting it all together there was a light coming out of it I felt little pain.

"Wh-what is h-happening t-to m-me" I said and its was becoming more painful.

"Those are the villains crystals when villains put all the crystals together it can kill anything but it it not strong we need one more member from our group but he is not here" he said with a evil laugh, smirk, anger. I then start to feel more pain it hurt so much but I cannot give up my friends are depending on it I don't want to get them hurt I need to Destroy those crystal somehow but it was to strong.

"Y-you w-won't win t-this HIM" I said as my pain gone worse and full anger. I stopped the pain always get worse when I move I was to weak so I gave up when's on my Knees and fell I looked up they where laughing at me. I failed my friends I couldn't handle it any more but then the pain went little weak I looked up some one was fighting the villains and some crystals where broken on the floor I felt just a little pain but I couldn't the pain was still there I was to weak.

"Nononooo what are you doing your not meant to destroy those crystals" HIM shouted.

"well sorry but I just did"????? Said. Who was that I couldn't see properly.
I heard the crystal break and my pain was going down. I looked one more time who it was it was BRICK.

(Good me- hope you like it.
Evil twin- I did but you had to stop.
Good me- sorry but am tired ok.
Evil twin-ok do the next one soon.
Good me- sorry late. Sorry so short but am tired and

Bye bye bye

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