Chapter 27

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Blossom P.O.V

I woke up in a room, nothing but one light was shining to the room. I wanted to get up but something was pulling me down, I looked down to see I was sat on the chair, my legs and arms were rapt around with a rope stuck to the chair, also there was tape on my mouth.

Great, getting kidnapped again, why does this happen to me. I looked around, there has to be something for me to use and run away, wait a minute, I can fly, as I got excited that I could get out, but it was like My flying powers wouldn't work, great, thinking and looking around, is there really anyway I could get out of this place.

"I need some cold water" I said to myself, I was thirsty and I was uncomfortable, wait a second, cold water, bingo, my ice powers, I could freeze the ropes and break them.

I closed my eyes and concentrate on getting the ropes to freeze. It took a while to make them freeze, as I felt the cold and look breakable, I pulled my hand out of the ropes as hard as I could, and thank god it worked, I broke the other rope with my free hand, after I freed both of my hands, I ripped the tape of my mouth, it was painful but didn't wanna scream, I freed my legs.

I got up and heard some footsteps coming this way, as I started to panic, uh, what am I gonna do now, as I was stupid enough, I jumped on the ceiling and hold myself on there.

The door opened and two tall men and a short women came in.seeing I was not on the chair. wait wasn't that girl I saw before I despaired, oh my god.

"WHERE IS SHE!?!?!" the girl shouted turning at the men, the men shrugged as the girl looked at so pissed off "THEN DON'T JUST STAND THERE, LOOK FOR HER, YOU ASSHOLES!!!" she shouted making them jumped and ran leaving, the girl walked out of the room wanted to shut the door, but I throw a ring that I still had on, and thank god it landed in between the door, and the wall, making it halfway shut.

I landed down on the floor, I feel like I am in a movie or something" I thought. I opened door, to peak out to see if the hall is clear, thank god it is. I walked out of the room, closed the door.

I had a choice, either go right, or left. I chose the right, because it It could be the right way out, but how should I know. I ran as much, it seems this place is like a maze you could get lost. I heard noises, coming my directions.

"She could be anywhere, but we better find her" I heard a male voice as I looked around to see a door, I walking in quickly, and shut the door, I hearing there footsteps fade, as I took a breath, I turned around and turned the lights on, I wasn't it in just a room, it was like an office, and a Flat big screen on the wall behind the desk, no way, those are cameras.

"So someone was spying on us" i said quietly but, looked around more.

"You are correct blossom" I looked at the direction that familiar voice came, it came from the chair, but the chair was bigger, and I couldn't see no one, it was turned around, facing the TV.

"who are you? And what do you want?" I said.

"Oh, you know who I am, you know exactly who I am, because" she turned around with the chair facing me, I was shocked and breathless "Because, am you" she said laughing, how is the possible. "Oh and if your wondering, how is this possible, well this is not your  dimension, this is the opposite, where you and your friends are bad, and the villains are good, if you do escape this world, no one will bother listening to you, you'll just go jail" she said as my eyes widen.

"wait, but what do you want from me?" I said, I was confused also I didn't know what to say anymore, I am in a dimension where nothing is good to this place, am the evil one, this can't be happening.

"Oh I want brick" she said as I was shocked.

"Wait doesn't this world have brick, if I am in it and my friends are in it, then the roudyruff boys are here, so why do you want brick from my dimension?" I said, I had so many questions and I think am pushing her with the questions, but I wanna find out more.

"yes they are, but brick in this dimension, is too much goody toe shoes, I want brick from the other world, as I can tell he can rule the world with me" she said smiling as I got mad.

"Well your not gonna have him, you won't get him, I'll stop you from even touching him" I said getting mad as she laughed.

"How will you stop me" she said "BOYS, GET YOUR ASSES HERE!!!" she shouted as two men walked in looking down at me, oh those dum guys "take her to the room and DON'T LET HER ESCAPE THIS TIME!!!" They both nodded, and grabbed me and walked out of the office.

They throw me inside the room, harshly, it hurted as hell "That hurts, you know" I said.

"You'll get over it" one of them said and walked out.

I got up and looked around, this room was different then the, room I been in before, there was no chair, and there was 2 lamps this time and no window, but there. was a bed, also a table, and a wardrobe, wow, ad least something nice is here.

I sat down on the bed and looked on the ceiling "Hope your safe, brick, where ever you are"

Brick P.O.V

I haven't heard from blossom at all, I was getting really worried, i knew it to go with her, it's night, anything could of happened.

"brick" I turned around to see butch standing at the door, in my room "you better eat something" he said as I shook my head "everything will be fine with her, you know she's the puff girl, a hero" he said as I nodded.

"but still she said she will call me when shill get home but it's been 1 and a half hour now, she doesn't live that far, and even tho she flown away, so it is quicker for her to get there" I said worried, and looking out the window.

"She could be busy" he said as I got up, and grabbed my shoes "Where you going" he said.

"I am just gonna go back to her, just to see if she's safe, I'll be back soon" I said running out of my room passing butch, I ran downstairs to the main doors, I opened and walked out, then closed the door, I flown as fast as I could.

I got to her home and knocked on the door, the door opened to see there maid, I think her name is malaise "Hello, brick, need anything" she said as I nodded.

"Is Momoko, home" I said a little worried, as she shook her head, as I my heart sank, she wasn't at home, she didn't call me, I wan freaking out right know, "If she's home please could you inform me" I said as she nodded, but had a consent and was curious.

"Is there anything wrong, Brick" she said.

"I think Momoko is missing" I said as she got shocked.

"I'll inform Mr Autonium and the police, just to keep a look out" she said as I nodded "you go take a rest" she said I didn't say nothing, I didn't feel like sleeping while she was gone, I won't sleep in till she is safe and back home "ok" I lied and walked out seeing her close the door I flown away.

"Hope your safe, blossom, where ever you are, I'll find you, and bring you back" I said to myself, looking around.

Took me a while for me to upload, but I had mayor problems and my ideas where blowing away, so I was either busy or couldn't have ideas, but I got some ideas now, hope I'll upload as fast as I could.

I really don't know when this book will be finished 😹😹.

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Please done rush me to update.


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