Chapter 23

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Hello guys sorry for the long update I been busy because I couldn't keep up with stuff so I'll be updating the other books shortly I think am not shore yet so keep your eyes out for other books to come.
Chapter 23

Blossom P.O.V

I woke up by the sound of vacuum machine, I made my eyes open snap out of my cute dream, as I looked around malaise the maid of the house, when she saw me awake, she felt guilty for waking me up I gave her a smile.

"No need I was going to wake up soon anyways" I said to her she smiled back at me "you can continuo, malaise" I said kindly to her de nodded and started cleaning again. I got of my worm bed and walked to my closet and got my clothes out, white black top, light pink crop top, blueish greyish tight jeans, pink bra and pink panties. I walked to the bathroom the one that is attached to my room, I put my clothes on the chair, and took my pj off. I got inside the shower and turned the shower on as the worm water brushed against my skin I smiled to myself. I grabbed the coconut shampoo and cleaned myself up. While I was nice and clean, I walked out and grabbed the towel and dried myself out. I slipped on the clothes and walked out of the bathroom as the breeze hit me, it was nice and chilling here.

"Miss shill I close the windows, if your freezing cold" Malaise said as she looked at me, I simply shook my head.

"No it's fine. did dad already leave, malaise" I said as she nodded I smiled as she returned the smile. I walked out of my room and walked downstairs to eat my coco chocolate cereal.

I walked out of my house and went straight to school, but as soon as I was seeing the house my belt was ringing I sighed, I walked to the ally way and quickly transformed into hyper blossom. I got the compass out.

"Professor who is it this time" I said throw the compact.

*its someone we don't know, he's a new villain, he's destroying the park* professor said as I nodded and flow away. Who could be that new villain and why would he destroy the park, am so confused why would there be a new villain if we have already a lot of villains in this city, now we have another villain. The park was on my site, Evan the girls was there, good o won't be fighting him alone, well I still would beat the crap out of the new villain.

"Show your self, villain" buttercup said as I came up to them and looked around to keep my guard up.

"No it's fine, I just want to talk" it was a male voice and some what familiar I swear I heard that before but from where.

"Why do you want to talk to us" BC said as I nodded still looking around.

"I need to tell you the truth, you may not know me but I know you and am here to tell you the truth" he said, yeah what kind of truth, why am I saying it in my head.

"Yeah what kind of truth" I said as he laughed, jeez his voice is so familiar and I don't know who it is am so bad at guessing so how come am good in learning, shit how I hate this kind of stuff.

"Oh blossom, or should I say momoko" I then got shocked what the hell how.

"How did you know my real name, wait argh it's to late to say I dot know what your talking about, anyways how did you" I said as he laughed again.

"Yes momoko it's to late to say that anyways I don't just know your name Momoko, I know Buttercup is Karou, Bubbles is miyoko" we all had wide eyes, we was shocked, but then back to our original faces.

"Whatever get out of the shadows so we can beat the crap out of you and win this and go back to out life" buttercup said as she crossed her arms.

"Oh you see buttercup, I wanted to tell you three that you should watch out for the boys at your school, you don't know who they are don't you" he said, please brain tell me who the hell is he can't you give me a clue really he's voice is so familiar.

"What do you mean by those boys" bubbles said scared as she backed out one step.

"Oh, there names are Justin, Chad and brandon" he said as I got shocked he knows about them being roudyruff boys, I fill like he does.

"Well we don't trust them, there so hidden" buttercup said as I have to think of something to get out but there is no way they would go with me, I have to think of something and fast.

"Good, do you want me to tell you why there so hidden and not so friendly" they both nodded except me my face went pale "they're roudyruff boys, isn't that right blossom" they both got shocked and looked at me as my face went pale, fuck.

"What, is that true blossom you knew about it and you didn't care to tell us" buttercup said annoyed.

"What I don't know such thing what are you talking about" I said as they gave me a glare as I sadden and looked on the floor, "fine, I knew" I heard bubbles gasped.

"And you dated brick the leader, gosh blossom how stupid can you be, your not goner date him never again" buttercup said as I faced her.

"What you can't tell me what to do, it's not like your the leader or your not my mother, listen I can date him all I want and you can't tell me what to do" I snapped as they just got angry.

"Don't you see he's a roudyruff boy hill break your heart, you should date a need like Dexter he seems more better then that jerk of a roudyruff boy" as I glared at her.

"What am lot goner date him, to me he's really annoying, he's like the worst guy, I love brick and he loves me and hill never break my heart am not goner like that nerd of a guy end of" I said as I flow away, I know where I should go to a time like this, I just don't know how his brothers take it that am there.

As I got to the door and knocked on the door and cried, as the door open as he got shocked as he saw me, crying.

"Brick, I need a shoulder to cry on"

Poor blossom the girls don't Evan except that she fell in love for the first time, they are really not good friends, buttercup and bubbles should finely realise there in love or they could date the other boys and realise that brick and blossom should be. Wasn't it cute how she flow to bricks house and say she needs a shoulder to cry on, cute, to cute for me.

Who did you thought was that mysterious guy that told that told the truth to bubbles and buttercup.

Anyways if you liked it vote and if you want t comment go ahead and tell me what you think of the chapter, it was really cute wasn't it.


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