Dont be trapped!

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Life seems like a trap NOW more than ever.
We are expected to be this and do that.

Buy these and be on trend...
Do these and be relevant...
Follow these and be happy...
Achieved these and be successful...

And many other more  expectations, instructions, formulas, paths that we need to follow or else you'll be labeled as different, backward, awkward, irrelevant, nobody, weird, outcast, delinquent etc...

People are expected to be whatever the society told us to be. And for what reason might it really be? 🤔

I guess, so the Society will keep on being society but the harsh truth is only few truly benefited from it (Capitalism, Socialism even Democracy) and we the mass people are just their pawns, a piece needed so they will continue to progress and remain on top.

Don't get me wrong. There's nothing wrong following the normal life, it can only be wrong when you become so obsessed, stressed, anxious, sad just because you weren't able to be these and do that or have all those things...

That's a trap, ESCAPE as early as your can. The best trick is to stop thinking. All these thoughts come from your mind (bec. You care too much on what might people say) still your mind and focus on what's in front of you - whatever matters now, whatever that makes you grateful now, whatever that needs your attention now; FOCUS AND LIVE.

Maybe, You say Im being pessimistic. Im thinking too much. In a way, society taught us how to live life in a societal kind of way — study... work... marry... then retire and that's LIFE, isn't it?!!

Life is what it is.  I just want you to remember to not be afraid to live life the way you want it, BE extraordinarily you, BE unique and define your own kind of success and contentment and wherever you are today, LIVE  life to the fullest and have your being. Focus on the now, let your past be your mentor and your future be your guide but never ever forget to live in the present moment because that's all that is. NOW is your life. If you think now is unbearable, Eckhart Tolle said you have three option, remove yourself from the situation, change it or accept it totally. You have to choose, No excuses, take responsibility of your life. Ones you choose, that's it! You're living your life in the NOW, Not In the Past nor In the Future but in the Present Moment.

Don't be trappe!  Be like Truman. All those years they thought Truman is unaware of people watching him but the truth is he's only playing his role.  these people who are watching him 24/7 had only wasted their time, watching a show of another person's life that they shouldn't mind in the first place.

If there's one whose opinion/truth that should matter, that will be from your God and Him alone.

John 10:10
I came that they may have life and have it to the full.

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