Love truly wins 🌈

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Sometimes it's hard to follow our hearts because you know in your heart, someone within you is telling you that what your heart really wants is what God wants and it contradicts with your mind especially your PRIDE that you chose to follow what the world wants instead. You twisted the truth and suit it very well with the facts now a days so it'll blend and looked like a truth but it's all lies.

God is love and God is supreme, He is mighty and He conquered the evil, He hates lies, adultery, homosexuality, idolatry. So yes, if love really wins, you'll find your self in the presence of God. That is who you should be. That is your destiny.

We're so adamant on pleasing ourselves that we forget to please Him. Don't get me wrong, God loves us in our darkest. He died for our sin but this isn't a license to keep on committing the same mistakes over and over again.

If you get to know who God really is and make personal relationship with Him, you would know what rainbow truly symbolises. It's God's response to Noah's offering saying never again will He destroyed the earth with flood. Flood had to happen because that time the world was just so evil and wicked, and Whenever the rainbow appears it's a reminder of that covenant that never again. I just really hope and pray that love really wins.



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