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I used to be so quiet and I don't like it.
Never had a chance to speak.
Always observing,
Always listening
But never had a chance to be heard.
It started to suffocate me.
It started to change me.
I started to create monsters within me.

I used to be so timid.
A goody two shoes,
Always follow rules.
Despite that, I still made mistakes.
It's ok, I human.
But people around made me feel that I'm the most stupid. That's what my mind said.
It consumes me and made me have an anxiety.

Yeh, I used to. I'd moved on!?
I am what I am now because of what I used to be. I know what I hate about myself  before.
I can easily point it out.
But RN, I just hate me.
Oh God, I hate myself.

Since I started to love myself,
I hated it. Everything about it.

The New YOU,
Is not the healthy YOU. 😞

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