The Izuku Files

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Izuku after falling unconscious at the USJ gets taken away by the UA staff team. While being transported to UA high, the teachers had this conversation in one of the UA vehicles.

Aizawa: What happened to the problem child... All Might, what did he do to you

AM: He was animalistic but also quite calculated, he baited out my Detroit smash, and reflected it at my weakened body

Aizawa: But it seems like in that transformation, he gets more animalistic and less calculated as time passes, that's how Bakugo was able to defeat him, taking advantage of his animalistic behavior and sensing a pattern, Bakugo has shown to be quite smart but very short-tempered, also quite fast as he was able to dodge his attacks. We must interrogate this incident further. AM, go contact Tsukauchi, he's quite needed for this

after some time, Izuku was able to come back into consciousness, his wrists and ankles were strapped down onto a wooden chair, the room was dark and a mirror to the left of him, the vague image of a metal table in front of him, the shadow of a light dangling above the table. There was a metal collar on his neck, he tried using his quirks to get out, but it wouldn't work, his quirks were disabled. The metal neck collar beeped in a rhythm and he sat there theorizing on where he is and why he was here

*this is all in Izuku's mind*

Izuku: Where am I? Why can't I use my quirk? Was I captured?

Izuku was questioning his current predicament, be didn't realize the door to his room was opened, the light above the table flicked on in an instant, Izuku was blinded temporarily by this, after getting used to the sudden shift in brightness, he sees a detective placing a file on the table. He sat down and opened the file and read(past tense) it.

Izuku: Who are you?!

???: Don't worry, I'm detective Naomasa Tsukauchi, I'm from the police force and am affiliated with UA, you are currently in the custody of UA, for your incident in the USJ. You're Izuku Midoriya correct?

Izuku: I'm Izuku, that part's correct, but why am I here, all I remember is me beating two people, a female named Derieri and a male named Monspeet. I fell unconscious after that.

Tsukauchi: That's where you're incorrect, after you defeated those two, your body was twitching and moving on the ground, almost all of the black liquid on your body went into your arms and made large claws, some was on your chest and legs making spiral patterns, you then proceeded to went into a berserk state, damaging and defeating All Might, do you know how that occurred?

Izuku: It could've been the stress I had put on myself using my quirks so much in such quick succession. The stress could've caused my body to sustain damage from the inside and allow my darkness and the 2 commandments to corrupt me and hijack my bodily functions.

Tsukauchi: You seem to be able to do a detailed explanation of that transformation, has it occurred before this?

Izuku: Not that I know of, but that explanation was a theory from my past experiences using my quirk. I realized that if I use my quirk too much on any given day, my bodily functions like my healing would be more constricted and that I would feel a ripping sensation inside my chest, I would usually shake off these occurrences, and just think that it was an off day because whenever I sleep and wake up, my healing would be back to normal and the ripping sensation would be nonexistent.

Tsukauchi: This may be a side effect of your quirk that was not been recorded in any government or doctor's document, this is quite normal most quirks have side effects after using it too much, but yours is different, it's one of the more special ones with your quirk taking control over your actions. I'll have to let Recovery Girl know about this, she'll do a proper test on your body after this interrogation. I need to talk to the other UA staff about whether you should be let out.

After that not so brief interaction, detective Tsukauchi left the room, forgetting to turn off the light and leaving the file he brought in on the table. Izuku bending his neck and back in some ungodly way, using his chin to bring the file to him.

Name: Izuku Midoriya

birth date: July 16th, 2054

Quirk(s): Angel Wings, Ark, Commandment of Love, Commandment of Truth, Darkness, Grace of Ocean, Grace of Tornado, Grace of Flash, Grace of Sunshine, Full Counter, Hellblaze, and Regeneration

Izuku: I just realized how many quirks I actually have, it's a miracle I haven't imploded yet.

Izuku then keeps reading the file

Relationships: Inko Midoriya (mother)
Hisashi Midoriya (absent father)
Katsuki Bakugo (childhood friend)
Mitsuki Bakugo (godmother)
Masaru Bakugo (godfather)

Izuku keeps reading the file and wonders how they got this information.

Aizawa, Nezu, and Tsukauchi are behind a one-way mirror discussing Izuku's situation. Tsukauchi enters the room and they start their conversation.

Aizawa: So, did you get anything out of the kid.

Tsukauchi: It seems that he has no clue on how the transformation happened, but he has a theory that is quite possibly the correct reasoning for his rampage back at the USJ.

Nezu: So, what was his theory.

Tsukauchi: he said that it could've been the stress he had put on himself using his quirks so much in such quick succession. The stress could've caused his body to sustain damage from the inside and to allow his quirk darkness and the 2 commandments to corrupt him and hijack his bodily functions.

Aizawa: What do you mean quirks?

Nezu: Didn't you read Izuku's file?

Aizawa: Does it look like I get paid enough for that?

Nezu: Yes! But back to the point, Izuku here has 13 quirks in his body, this is an extreme case of a quirk mutation, his quirks are nothing like his parents, His mother Inko Midoriya has weak telekinesis, his father Hisashi Midoriya has fire breath. Izuku may be an example of quirk singularity.

Aizawa: Wait, you trust the ramblings of a crazed doctor?! fucking Kyudai Garaki?!

Nezu: I trust my intelligence agents, and I can see that he makes a fair point. The quirks are getting stronger and stronger, look at Izuku there, he has powers ranging from controlling and summoning water to create a large flaming ball of plasma the size of a skyscraper. I think that that's proof enough. (Isn't it weird how there's 2 "that"s but it's still able to be understood)

Aizawa: I mean you're not wrong, but still, his situation is a quirk mutation, most quirk mutations are a lot more powerful than the sum of it's predecessors

Tsukauchi: So back to Izuku and the USJ Incident

Nezu: Oh, sorry for forgetting about you.

Tsukauchi: It's fine, but what do we do about Izuku, do we let him out or keep him here until the sports festival.

Aizawa: I feel like leaving him here would be beneficial. But we can't just have him locked up here.

Nezu: Do we initiate the dorm system, I mean, wouldn't it be a danger putting them all together.

Aizawa: We've already been attacked, the villains will probably target the students' families

Nezu: Yeah, I guess you're right. Detective Tsukauchi, we'll just use him as a test dummy for the dorm system, we'll give you back the quirk cancelation collar later

Tsukauchi: That's acceptable

To Be Continued

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