The Capo Behind the Wall Part 2

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Izuku: Yes, I do carry my bag exclusively in my right hand

Polpo: Hmm, I envy your youthful body and reckless spirit. By the by, do you drink wine, this Chianti Classico is Molto Buono and when paired with a few crackers scamorza and the right amount of caviar, it's perfection

Izuku: I do drink occasionally, but the guards said that I am not able to accept anything from you or give anything to you.

Polpo: That's just a silly formality, what people say when watched and what they do when no one is around are two entirely different things. Therein lies the beauty and ugliness of this fickle thing we call humanity. I supposed the real tragedy to being holed up in this cell is... well...

Izuku: *He's living like a king, that's not the reason he stays put in there, it wouldn't matter if he left or stayed, and let's be honest with that carcass, he's probably safer in there. The thing I want to know is how the hell the guards even managed to fit him through the door.*

Polpo: Bucciarati already told me all about you. So, you desire to be a part of our familia, do you? It was Izuku Midoriya, was it? Well then, if you're ready to begin, what say we commence with the interview

Izuku: *what was that, am I hallucinating, for a second it looked like he was munching away on his fingers, or maybe this Polpo is simply another one of those stand users like Bucciarati, either way, I have to do whatever it takes to keep him from finding out about me.*

Polpo: When you're separating the wheat from the chaff, what do you think is the most important factor for one to consider, think carefully Midoriya.

Izuku: What a person could do, correct?

Polpo: Oh... then what can you do Ragazzo?

Izuku then takes something out of his pocket and put his hands up to his chest, and out came dollar bills

Izuku: While that guard was patting me down, I took some souvenirs. I thought they might come in handy during our test, of course, I'll return them on my way out

Polpo: Ho ho ho ho ho, pah hah hah hah hah. Is that all you brought to impress me?

Izuku: Well besides that, I have this other little trick I can do.

Izuku then chops of his own arm, throws it across the room, and darkness comes out of the wound and connects the severed arm back

Polpo: oh hoh hoh hoh, molto interessante. hmm, but you see, there's something very important we haven't discussed yet and that is the delicate subject of trust Izuku Midoriya, that's the most important quality in selecting an associate, they must be trustworthy. When Compared to that essential characteristic, intelligence and talent are no more significant than this piece of slobbery cracker stuck between my teeth. My test will tell me how trustworthy you are, concerning flame of this lighter reveals all, now take it in hand and go, you are not to let the flame expire. Aspetta, I warn you to exercise extreme caution, the 17th-century theologian fuller once said, he's my friend that speaks well of me behind my back, you'd do well to remember those words. If you want to become part of our familia, you'll need to demonstrate your trustworthiness even when no one's looking. 24 hours, that's how long you'll possess the lighter, you must never let the flame go out. If you pass this test, you'll be welcome to join us, straightforward, yes? and don't worry, there's plenty of fluid. All that's required to pass is for you to sit in your room until 3:00 pm tomorrow looking after that flame, as long as you're truly a man of prudence and perseverance, then nothing should happen to that light, do this simple task and you will have proven your trustworthiness, but don't get too complacent, if you happen to be the kind of person who would take what I have to say lightly, let's say you nod off or you sneeze, or maybe you stumble, or perhaps a gust of wind extinguishes that precious flame. I'llknow beyond a shadow of a doubt that you, my friend cannot be trusted as a member of our familia. Now take the lighter and be on your way cuchillo, behold the key to our familia. You have 24 hours, I look forward to our second meeting tomorrow, 3 pm, don't be late.

Izuku then puts the lighter in an Ark bubble with tiny air holes only big enough for an insect to get into.

guard 1: all visitors must proceed through the gate for a final pat-down

Hearing that, Izuku shrinks the ark bubble a bit and puts it in his mouth, his mouth was big enough that the lighter didn't make much of a change to his expression, to avoid any risk, he puts on a face mask just in case.

Guard 1: Once we give you permission to exit  the premises, you may proceed to the next room to retrieve your belongings

Izuku put on a stern face as the female guard patted him down, and felt nothing, so he was able to pass by with ease. After getting his belongings, Izuku takes the Ark bubble out of his mouth and uses the Grace of Tornado to make it float to his side

This now marks the start of Polpo's test

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