Notorious B.I.G.

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After the defeat of Tiziano and Squalo, the team takes the small amount of time they have to go to an airport to take a private flight to Sardinia, Izuku then remarks on their way to the airport

Izuku: The boss' elite guards were easier than I thought they would be

Mista: Well, knowing their abilities made a big part in beating the shit out of them, we would've been on a wild goose chase if we didn't, some random shark coming out of soup? Who would've thought?

Brucciarati: Your inner knowledge of them was a big help. But I must ask, who did you even get this from? No one has any knowledge of the boss, nor the people closest to him

Izuku: It was someone from the Sezione Gestione Sistemi Informatici part of Passione, his name was like Murolo *His stand seemed to be a deck of sentient playing cards. A very useful stand, their thin shape allows them to spy on people, and possibly kill*

Abbacchio: Enough, we're here

Izuku looks up and he sees that they have made it to the Venezia-Tessera Airport. They steal a  private jet and Abbacchio uses Moody Blues to search for a time when the pilot went to Sardinia, the team then mobilizes around the plane to stop anyone from approaching the plane and disrupting Moody Blues. Mista and Giorno go outside of the plane to keep watch, Naracia uses Aerosmith to detect anything coming near the plane, and Bucciarati is with Abbacchio inside the plane.

Narancia: Upfront to the left,  something's coming. Something's heading our way, Mista!

Narancia then walks out from the plane, the three of them seeing a man with pink hair and has his dick bulge just hanging out his fucking pants walking towards the,

Mista: Stop right there! Just so you know, anyone who gets near this plane will be shot dead, even if they're a saint. And it's not like a saint would even come here. If you care about your well-being at all, you'll turn your back on this plane and get the hell off this runway!

the man only chuckles at what Mista said, Mista takes his gun and shoots the man, but the bullet stops midair by Izuku

Mista: Midoriya, what the fuck

Izuku: Just trust me, he can't do shit, he doesn't even have a stand, and he's too cowardly to do anything

as the trio stands and watches, the man continues to walk toward them, his smile lessening with each step, slowly turning into panic

Izuku: see?

Narancia: wait, you're right, he's panicking

Izuku: besides, he's no match for all three of us, no one can defeat us head-on, the other stand users used cheap tactics

Mista: I guess you're right

Mista lowers his gun

the man then runs at them at full speed, he takes his hand out from behind his back, and the trio sees a grenade in his hand and makes it a foot in front of them

(Please tell me if it's not 'Hanareto, that's just what I hear)

time is now stopped and he looks at the grenade and he sees that the lever is already on the ground, meaning that the grenade has been primed and that he has 2 to 5 seconds until it explodes, Izuku takes the grenade and shoves it down the man's pants and throws him into the sky far away from the plane

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