My name is Doppio

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The story is now jumping back in time to the year 2033 in an all-female prison. Even though all the prisoners and guards were women, one of the inmates who was in her second year of prison inexplicably gave birth to a baby boy. The woman who gave birth claimed she had gotten pregnant 2 years prior. A priest from the mother's hometown kindly adopted the baby and raised him. The infant grew and came to be known as a cowardly and clumsy but well-meaning boy who wanted to become a Sailor. In 1985 when the boy was 19, he then met a young girl, Donatella Una. The priest then saw the couple having a date in Costa Smeralda and decided to build a garage for his foster son. However, when he tried to dig inside his son's room, he found the young man's mother, who was buried beneath the floor, her mouth sewn shut but kept alive. But, the young boy surprised the priest. That night, the whole village burned to the ground, causing several casualties and disappearances; among the listed death were the priest and the boy.

Back to the present in 2069, on the island of Sardinia, a random boy tries to catch a beetle but in pursuing it, strays into the road and in the path of a speeding truck.  A peculiar teen then dashes toward the kid, trying to save him. However, the boy gets out of the way while it is the youth who almost gets run over, getting his suitcase crushed in the incident. Lamenting his bad luck, he then meets a fortune-teller having set up shop in an alley. The fortune-teller gets interested in the teenager and asks them to look for his fortune. Still, the latter politely declines only for the fortune teller to try to prove his talent by claiming that the teenager is a native of the island and that it has been a long time since his last stay. Although the teenager is sceptical about the fortune teller, the latter keeps guessing more details about his life, eventually claiming that he has a dark secret and that he somehow has a teenage daughter he seeks. Getting excited, the fortune teller harasses the teen to get him to show him his palm and even proposes to pay, startling him until the teen snaps. Suddenly, losing control, the youth grabs the fortune teller by the throat and disturbingly grows into a grown man: the boss of Passione himself. The Boss realizes that the fortune teller is not a Stand User, but his talent represents a potential danger to his identity. Although he sentences the fortune teller to death, he also gets him to divine Risotto Nero's whereabouts, to which the fortune teller tells him that he is close and will seek revenge. Satisfied, the Boss lets the fortune teller lose his mind and finishes him off with a lethal punch from King Crimson. Incidentally, the boy from earlier has partially witnessed the murder but thankfully, it is the youth go gets out of the alley, having forgotten the incident already. Taking a taxi to the Costa Smeralda; the teen incidentally comes close to Risotto Nero himself.

Arriving near the picturesque Costa Smeralda, the teenage boy is, unfortunately, the victim of a scam from the driver, who eventually manhandles him to get more money from an envelope. Again the teen goes berserk and almost gouges out the driver's eye because said envelope contains a photo of Donatella Una. However, he then hears a "call" from the Boss, mistaking a decorative figure for a phone, and proceeds to talk to himself. The Boss dissuades his host, whose name is revealed to be Doppio, to cause more trouble than it's worth, letting the taxi driver flee, and then warns him that the enemy is already here: the assassin Risotto Nero can be seen up the rocky hills watching him.

Although the Boss warns Doppio that Risotto must be eliminated and that his powers are unknown, the teen proceeds to forget everything once the Boss hangs up. Trying to gather his items, Doppio suddenly notices Risotto Nero posing near him and throwing a knife at his feet. Startled, Doppio trips and crashes into a rock while Risotto has disappeared. When Risotto reappears, Doppio tries to play the part of a tourist, causing the assassin to carefully judge the situation and gauge Doppio's dangerousness. However, just before Risotto approaches to take his knife and enters King Crimson's lethal range, he then notices that Doppio is trying to hide an envelope from him and orders him to show it to him. Doppio successfully hides Donatella's photo beneath his shoe but makes the mistake of glancing in the direction of a distant rumbling noise. Risotto picks on the clue and sees that the teen could detect the noise that Aerosmith was causing, outing him as a Stand User. Risotto realizes that the teen represents a crucial mystery due to his status as one that the Boss trusts and his apparent wimpiness. When Doppio gets angry and starts to change, his metamorphosis is interrupted as a handful of razor blades appear in his stomach, forcing him to vomit them out before they kill him. Intrigued, Risotto Nero decides to execute the teen here and there. Furious, Doppio runs at Risotto in order to get into range, but the assassin guesses that his Stand ability is short-ranged and makes nails appears in Doppio's cheek to stop him; Risotto then disappears among the rocks. The Boss thus calls Doppio, who grabs a frog and uses it as a phone. Telling his subordinate to get close to the assassin, he then reassures him and reminds him that he can wield a part of his King Crimson.

The sole survivor of La Squadra Esecuzioni, Risotto Nero, is now confronting Vinegar Doppio, who is secretly the unwitting host of the Boss, though believed to be his trusted subordinate instead. Wanting Doppio to get close to Risotto Nero to kill the assassin, the Boss has granted Doppio with a portion of his Stand, the sub-Stand Epitaph responsible for seeing into the future and the arms of King Crimson. Doppio thus forecasts the future and sees that Risotto will approach him, somehow camouflaged among the rocks. More alarmingly, a pair of scissors will appear in his throat. Wanting to prevent this, Doppio runs toward Risotto's future location and tries to attack but misses the assassin. Risotto notices Doppio's unusual ability and does make the scissors appear and opens them to cut out his throat. However, Doppio immediately pulls the scissors through the skin, saving himself while the assassin is intrigued by Doppio's quick reaction. Noting that Doppio can predict attacks, Risotto vows to make his next attack a sure kill and disappears before Doppio can punch him with King Crimson. Already drained, Doppio then foresees a pair of scissors and a severed foot flying. Anticipating the worst, Doppio calls the Boss and reveals that he may lose his foot soon. The Boss thus orders Doppio to retreat immediately, but Doppio is too weak to run, Risotto's methodical strategy ensuring that his targets will always be at their weakest. As the Boss himself becomes worried at the risk his host faces, Doppio sees razor blades emerging from a frog and realizes that the objects Risotto makes appear are made out of the iron within all organisms. Using the frog as a clue, Doppio guesses Risotto's position and throws the scissors with King Crimson, severing the assassin's foot. The forecast was in truth showing Risotto's severed foot. 

Risotto's power of magnetism is revealed and the assassin is now on the ground. The Boss thus wishes to come out and personally execute Risotto but is interrupted by the sight of Risotto's foot flying right back at its owner and metal staples appearing to stitch the foot and ankle together. Incidentally, the worms-like Stand of Risotto, Metallica, briefly appears from the wound. Risotto realizes that Doppio is directly connected to the Boss and hides his true nature. Standing up and hiding again thanks to the particles of iron to camouflage himself, Risotto swears revenge for his fallen comrades and prepares to attack again. Doppio foresees iron knives flying toward but fails to deflects them because of his weakened state. Harrassing Doppio time and time again, Risotto explains that he is already done for because he's extracted so much iron from his body that he now lacks the hemoglobin needed to carry oxygen to the organs; in a few minutes Doppio will die regardless. Meanwhile, Bucciarati, Narancia and Abbacchio have revealed themselves near the Costa Smeralda, making the Boss urge Doppio to finish him off. But things seem hopeless as Doppio foresees Risotto disappearing and his own head being blown off. The forecasted vision begins and Risotto disappears. Grabbing one of the knives, Doppio is told to stand down so that the Boss can erase the predicted timeframe. However, Doppio notes that the Boss won't make it in time but uses the scalpel as a compass needle indicating the direction Risotto is in. Throwing the knives, Doppio completely misses, having been baited into attacking Risotto's severed foot instead. Making a huge razor blade appear and slice into Doppio's forehead, Risotto prepares to finish off his foe whom he's already guessed is the Boss sharing a body with a split personality. 

Suddenly, Risotto is shot down from behind by Aerosmith. It is now The Boss' turn to explain his plan: knowing he couldn't do anything against Risotto by himself, he purposefully told Doppio to throw the knives in the direction of Team Bucciarati to grab their attention; they would then use Aerosmith whose CO2 radar would only detect Risotto, Doppio being hidden by his inability to breathe properly.After Risotto was knocked down by Aerosmith, The Boss came close and asked Risotto to give him back the iron that Risotto has stole from his body. Risotto asked Boss to show his face but Boss refused. With his last breaths, Risotto grabbed the Boss with the intention of using Aerosmith to kill him. However, the Boss simply used King Crimson's ability and blew away half a second, which just results of the bullets hitting Risotto. After half a second has passed, Risotto died because of Aerosmith's bullets.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 30, 2022 ⏰

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