Spin-off #3 part 2

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We left off on Izuku waiting for Toriel, but after 15 minutes, he gets bored and thinks "what's the worst that could happen" and walks off

he walks into the next room and his cellphone rings

Toriel: You have not left the room, have you?

Izuku: *wait, why do you know that* What? Psssh, no.

Toriel: good, There are a few puzzles ahead that I have yet to explain, it would be dangerous to try to solve them yourself, be good alright?

Izuku: Yeah, sure.


Izuku then walks into a room, that has an L shape, on his left, he sees a door, and in front of him, he sees another save point, he first walks through the door to his left and sees a bowl of candy with a sign that says  "take one", Izuku takes one because he doesn't want to be a dick, walking out of the room, he makes a savefile and goes on his way, until he encounters a Froggit

*Froggit hopped close*

Izuku: Oh damn, a large frog. Are you poisonous?

Froggit: Ribbit...

Izuku: I'll take that as a no, if the furry community has taught me anything, is that animals like pats.

Izuku gives a few pats on the head of the frog creature

*Froggit is flattered*

Froggit: *Blushes deeply* Ribbit...

A frog appears near Izuku and hits him, dealing 5 damage, that is replenished in a second

*Froggit seems reluctant to fight you*

Izuku then spares the Froggit and walks away.

Izuku then walks into a corridor, he sees a small patch of the floor that is darker

Izuku: What? This must be one of the puzzles Toriel was talking about

Izuku then places his hand on the patch of darker floor, and the part of the floor he put his hand on falls into a deep hole

Izuku: I don't want to step on that. *casually flies over the puzzle*

Izuku then goes through more rooms, he then sees a ghost lying down on the ground

Izuku: Wait, what? What is that? Is that a ghost, damn pretty wack, anyway

Izuku tries flying over the ghost but is blocked by an invisible barrier

Izuku: What the!? Why is there a barrier here, is this ghost needed for the plot or something? I guess I have to just move this... Monster? Thing? Ghost? Whatever

*Here comes Napstablook*

Izuku: Mind moving?

Napstablook: heh...

some tears fly out from Napstablook's eyes

Izuku: Are you crying? *a tear hits him* fuck! Do you cry acid

*Napstablook looks just a little bit worse*

Izuku: Oh, sorry, I didn't mean to sound rude, is there any way I can uh...help *Izuku tries cracking a joke*

Napstablook: heh heh...Not feeling up to it right now. Sorry.

Izuku: Oh so not a joke person then, do you need some company? *Izuku sits down next to Napstablook*

Napstablook: Can I show you something

Izuku: Sure, why not

Napstablook: Let me try... *Napstablook uses his tears to make a tophat for himself* I call it "Dapper Blook" Do you like it?

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