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Home » Pampered to Heaven by RIch Husband PTHBRH » Chapter 46: lover
Pampered to Heaven by RIch Husband Chapter 46: lover
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Because it broke ten thousand in half an hour!

She stared at the computer screen closely, watching the continuous increase in sales, and a big smile filled her face.

Until four or five o'clock in the afternoon, the talents of grapefruit culture yawned and stretched out to stand up from their seats.

Xiong Chen twisted his sore neck, and suddenly wondered if the game was on the shelves. He froze and swallowed his throat: "Xiongyu, is it on the shelves?"

He did not dare to ask about sales.

"It's on the shelves." Xiongyu held back for a long time, watching everyone wake up, and hurriedly said, "Cousin, you definitely can't guess how much sales are."

"How many?"

He asked tremblingly.

No matter how it is, there should be one thousand. The price of "Wearing Up to 1937" is 58 yuan, and it only sells a thousand copies for 58,000 yuan, which can't even make up for a month's rent.

"Thirty thousand!"

Xiongyu happily took Xiong Chen's arm, everyone in the game department was taken aback, all the voices disappeared in an instant, and it was quiet a little depressed.

Immediately afterwards, enthusiastic cheers erupted, Xiong Chen's legs softened and his head was a little dizzy: "Wait, I have to sit down and calm down."


She sits back in front of the computer, as the only customer service of the game department, it is also very important to deal with game feedback in time.

However, she secretly opened Weibo to see what the players said.

[Dark] Send a blade to the developer, Miss Heting can't die!

[Green Mood] I blew "Through Through 1937", the side story is rich, the pictures are also very eye-catching, Xu Chi's acting skills are impressive, the only regret is that bgm is too mediocre.

[Little Pudding] Let me ask in a low voice whether someone cut Heting and the officer’s "Stockholm Lover", so I look forward to their "Shared Life"

Xiongyu smiled happily.


In the hot weather, Cheng Youran slept on the sofa, drinking watermelon juice and watching TV, while Xiao Su "telled the time on the hour" by the side.

"Thirty thousand!"

"Fifty thousand!"

"One hundred thousand!"

To be honest, she didn't expect that "Wearing Until 1937" could become like this. She thought about it, in addition to the quality of the game itself, another important point is marketing.

Although there are no ads due to cost, Xu Chi and Yan Junze are the best ads.

Especially Xu Chi's fans, just like the New Year, in addition to the screenshots of grass sales, there is also the organization of Amway's "Wear to 1937".

Traffic fans can be described as the top fighting power in the fan circle. They not only post small papers on Amway, but also edit videos, post fan pictures, and people songs are all on the agenda.

Suddenly, the phone on the sofa rang.

She picked up the phone casually and looked down at a message on the phone.

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