Chapter 28

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    Sophie was whisked away with Gisela, she was still wearing her blood red dress and heels.

That ended up landing in a warehouse looking place.

Gisela looked furious at Sophie, even more furious when Sophie lunged for Gisela, trying to grab Calla from her.

"GIVE BACK MY DAUGHTER!" Sophie screamed, while throwing a punch into Gisela's face. She punched again hearing an hear splitting crack.

That's when Gisela let out a curdling scream and blood started to flow out of her nose.

Sophie got another punch into Gisela's mouth splitting her lips.

Unfortunately, that's when a pair of arms wrapped around her arms and yanked her to the ground, the assailant kicking her in the stomach 3 times, making Sophie wheeze and spit out blood.

Sophie had red rimming her vision, she looked up to see Ruy and focused on his heart. She let out her anger inflicting him as she stumbled up.

Another pair of arms yanked her down this time, something being clamped around her head. She tried to focus again and inflict the Neverseen member, but a pounding migraine greeted her instead.

"I see you've felt the effects of the ability restrictor we've created." She looked up to see Fintan.

She tried to get up, her shoulder still bleeding from the throwing star, but this time Fintan took a dagger to Sophie's arm and slashed her down.

She screamed out in pain and stumbled, starting to feel the effects of the blood loss.

She saw Gisela walking away with Calla. Calla screaming "Mama" over and over again, wailing for her mom.

"CALLA, MOMMY LOVES YOU!" Fintan took the dagger to her side this time stabbing her in the side. Sophie screamed in pain again. She threw a punch clipping Fintan in the jaw.

"Oh, Miss. Foster. You will regret that." A cloth was shoved over mouth. Sophie didn't breathe trying to stay conscious, but was punched in the stomach causing Sophie to breath in the gasses.

Darkness was pooling around the edges of her vision. She realized she had the panic ring and frantically, but unnoticeably clicked the button multiple times.

The darkness soon consumed her.

    Sophie faintly heard voices. She drifted through the darkness, semi conscious.

She could hear Fintan and Gisela debating about what to do with her.

She stayed still as death, trying to hear if her precious daughter was alive.

"We can't kill her you big oaf. We need her DNA, living DNA." Gisela snapped.

"Well then, what do you suggest?" He asked angrily.

"Keep her in a coma, give her Soporidine, keep her here." Gisela sighed. "Calla doesn't corporate unless she see's her mom. It's insufferable."

She's alive. Calla is alive.

"What do you want from her?" Sophie croaked as both their heads whipped towards Sophie. She realized she was strapped down to the bed by a force field. They must've found someone to replace Ruy's force fields.

"Get some more chemicals. She's awake." Gisela called down the hall. Sophie's throat hurt so bad. She was parched.

"What do we want with her? Ha." Fintan laughed, "What do you think Sophie? For leverage, for her powers we all know she'll develop. For everything." Sophie just smiled at them.

"I hope you know that when they find you, you will rot in exile for the rest of eternity." She gave them a sadistic smile.

"They won't find us Sophie. You'll never get out of here. Let alone see your daughter again."

Sophie glared at them. "Experiment on me, hurt me, kill me for all I care. Just let my daughter go." Sophie begged.

She looked over to a member that walked in, this one wearing a hood. They must be new.

She noticed as they handed over the Soporidine that they hesitated when they saw Sophie.

"Give it here." Fintan said firmly.

"She has a daughter. A family." The new member was a guy.

"She's been a pain in our backs for years, Arlo. This is Sophie Foster." Fintan glared at him. "She doesn't deserve to have all her powers and not share them." He got closer to her with the dropper and gloves.

"Fintan, you agreed to keep the child with her mother. She doesn't stop crying without her." Arlo looked to Sophie and then to Fintan.

"Yes, that doesn't mean that she has to be awake to be with her. Keeping her asleep is better that using up the sedative.

"Your name is Arlo right?" Sophie rasped to the hooded figure. He nodded. "You see these people who apparently gave you refuge?" He nodded again Gisela telling him not to listen, as Fintan got the Soporidine ready. "Yea, they rip apart families, experiment on children and themselves. Just trying to gain power." She spat. "If I were you I'd run, get away from them if you ever want to gain people's trust or friendship ever again." She croaked. "They broke me and my best friend, literally scared my friend, and tortured me at the age of 12." She spat at Fintan. "If you do decide to run, go to Keefe Sencen. He'll help you." She said quietly, Arlo quietly turned around and left.

"Good bye Miss. Foster. This will keep you asleep for at least a month." Fintan said as he drew closer to Sophie with the dropper.

Sophie looked Gisela straight in the eyes and flat out told her, "Your son hates you. He doesn't think of you as a mother. He hates you and never wants to see you. And if you think that taking his daughter from him will teach him a lesson, it won't. It will only fuel his hatred for you. he wishes you were dead." Gisela looked at her with sad eyes, it almost looked as if she was taken aback for a second before she wiped it off her face.

That's when Fintan dropped the Soporidine on to Sophie's shoulder, which had been hatched up with terrible stitches.

Sophie was plunged into darkness.

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