Chapter 1

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Sophie Foster woke up and immediatley felt nauseous.

She launched herself out of bed, ran over her flower carpet and started hurling her guts out into her toilet for the 4th day in a row.

After, her hurlfest she wiped her mouth and walked out the door, right into Sandor.

"Are you okay? Do you need Elwin?" He asked, eyeing her suspiciously.

"No, I'm fine. It's probably just something I ate." She walked past him and searched through her closet for the comfiest tunic possible, she grabbed her silver cape, threw them on the ground and started to brush out her hair.

"Fine, but if you get sick again we're going to Elwin." Sandor walked out of Sophie's dorm and back to his post.

Sophie mocked him behind his back and rolled her eyes.

"You really shouldn't rip through your hair like that..." Vertina gave her an unimpressed look.

"Oh, be quiet." Sophie walked out of the view of Vertina and continued to rip through her hair.

"Call Biana Vacker." Sophie whispered into her imparter. Three seconds later Biana picked up.

"Hey! What's up?", of course she was putting on makeup.

"I just threw up for the 3rd morning in a row and I've been nauseous in the morning for the past 2 weeks." She whispered in case Sandor was eavesdropping.

Biana stopped in her tracks, slowly looking at Sophie and asked:

"Do you think you could be-" she trailed off.

"I don't know, but I'm scared to find out. Maybe it's just food poisoning or another allergy?" Sophie looked down at her imparter after a long quiet pause to find that it was blank. "Biana?"

Suddenly her door burst open, which scared Sophie right off her chair and on to the ground.

It was Biana.

She walked over to Sophie blinking in and out of sight "I told Sandor to give us some privacy because we'd be talking about girl stuff." She helped Sophie get up and led her over to her bed. "I brought this." She held up a pregnancy test.

Sophie just stared at the thing.

"But my drink was spiked! What if my body is still going through the hangover?"

Biana sighed, "Sophie, you woke up, in bed with Keefe." She paused waiting for a response.

Sophie looked down and mumbled "I know, I know. You don't have to remind me." Sophie recounted the hazy and confusing night. Not remembering anything other than waking up in bed with Keefe Sencen after the party.

"Okay, so you're going to lick this little lick spot on the test and 30 seconds later it will either blink red, for not pregnant, or it'll blink green for pregnant." Biana gave Sophie the test unwrapped.

Sophie gave it a good long stare before she quickly brought the test up to her mouth and licked it.

She counted the seconds as they went by. 30...29...28...27...If she was pregnant what was she supposed to do? 22...21...19... Tell Keefe? Keep it a secret? Tell her friends? Sophie had no idea what she would do if she was pregnant, all she was hoping for was that a red blinking light would start flashing. 5...4...3...2...1...

And to Sophie's horror, the unmistakable blinking green light flashed before her eyes.

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