:::Dreammare::: Spite Flavored Smut (Lemon)

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A/N: There was some amazing Dreammare art done by @ 123soda0 on Instagram (Image in the banner) but it seemed to have garnered a fair bit of hate under it because "Incest: bad". Go check them out and support them if you want.

::Warning - this is a bit of a rant about Dreammare hate and is a bit intense. Not trying to start anything, just giving my two cents::

Look, I support people enjoying whatever they want, and they are allowed to not like whatever they want too as long as no one is getting bullied over it, but there was a whole tirade of people all of a sudden making call-out posts of artist who draw or support Dreammare content, telling people to block and avoid them like the plague for being 'pro-ship'. While these people claim it's just 'informative' and telling people 'not to harass the artist' they can't expect people to hear "this person does gross things online, but like no hate or anything~" and at least some of their follows to not attack these unsuspecting artists.

Dreammare is a fictional ship, with fictional skeleton monsters, it hurts no one by existing. If you are bothered by it, ignore it, you can even block content creators that make Dreammare content, but DO NOT attack or bully people for liking it.

Yes, it can technically be called an 'incest' ship, but in a way so can all selfcest ships, so there isn't much of a moral high ground to stand on here. There are very few, IF AT ALL, people who actively enjoy Dreammare and somehow think that means incest is okay in real life: we all know it's wrong and no one is trying to condone it.

Fiction is meant to stay exactly that: Fiction. It is not okay to drag people out in the open to be burned at the proverbial stake and say these people are "gross because they support incest" or even going as far as saying they support pedophilia. That is a dangerous road to tread and is boarder-line slander. It is horrible for content creators to have to deal with hate like this, and no one should be getting it for something harmless like this.

::Rant over::

Anyway, this was inspired by the art I mentioned at the top. Again, support the artist if you'd like to. This is just flat out PWP and just an excuse to write Dream like the whore he so rightfully deserves to be.

And yes, I wrote this in a spiteful frenzy, try and stop me.


The dark castle wisped with an empty silence, not that either of the twins seemed to care as they seemed plenty preoccupied on the couch. Nightmare pulled the other closer as Dream was straddled over him, their 'lips' pressed against one another to swallow any words either could spare. One of Nightmare's hands slipped up to cup the back of Dream's neck, keeping him from being able to pull back, although it seemed hardly necessary with Dream's equally met eagerness with the kiss.

Nightmare hardly pulled away as he chuckled deeply, looking at the other with a teasing glint in his eyelight.

"Heh so it turns out you enjoy bad guys, hmm~?" Dream opened his sockets at the brief comment, having to process it for a moment in his make-out induced daze.

"Gods, you're the worst..." The lighter twin breathed out in a vague attempt at sounding offended, glaring softly at his brother although the lust was vivid in his golden eyelights, "Come here~" The words were hardly uttered as Dream pulled Nightmare closer again, hands cupping the sides of his face to kiss him deeply.

A tentacle shifted from its passive position beside its owner, flicking with expecting excitement as it slipped around the lighter's waist. A soft inviting hum further pushed Nightmare's actions as he unbuckled the belt holding Dream's tunic in place, tossing it to the floor. Dream pairing that with the soft click of his cloak clasp being undone, allowing for upper article to slip to the ground as well. The previous tentacle slipped down and under the yellow fabric of the now loose tunic, pushing the black shirt underneath up as well to trace the line of his spine into Dream's bare form, glowing a vivid golden yellow.

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