01| Touch my heart

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Kun was packing his things. That night he will be on board for some family parties. He can turn it down if he wants to, but Yuxin will be there.

It's an opportunity. The last one.

"Nervous?" He looked at his friend, Ziyi, who was also looking at him with a peculiar smile. Kun knows what that grimace means.

"I'm not going to use your methods" he warned, as he packed up his pair of socks.

"Oh, come on. The idea isn't that bad" Ziyi came to his side and patted his back.

"Ziyi, the last time you suggested me to write a love poem, Yuxin thought it was for my homework and she started to help me with it."

His friend started to laugh after that.

"Your crush is cute, isn't she?"

"You can use my idea, it will be fun" his other friend, Justin, suggests with one of his eyebrows raised flirtatiously.

Kun sighed and zipped up the luggage. He will stay for at least three days and two nights. He has no idea if his plan will work, but he has to try.

"The last time I used your idea, I scared Yuxin".

"I think it failed because you were scared too," ChengCheng said, suppressing a laugh.

"I will never go to a haunted house again. Never". That day was the worst for both of them.

"But you wrote her a song, right?" Ziyi asked as he crossed his arms over his chest.

"Yes, and she didn't catch it at all". He still remembers singing and showing her the lyrics where most of it is about her, but in the end she just complimented it and patted his shoulder.

"Well, good luck then, bro".

"If all goes well, use this" Xiao Gui put some plastic product on Kun's hand and then ran away.

"Piece of ... I don't need a condom!"

"You want to be a father, Kun?" ChengCheng asked with a mocking smile while Xiao Gui and Justin laughed in a secluded corner.

"I don't need it because I'm not going to do that" he exclaimed before leaving and heading to the port.

These kids never change...

He began to put on his headphones and shuffled the playlist. Anything related to music reminded him of Yuxin. Kun met her in one of his music classes they shared in the university. He remembers when she walked into class and her presence had made his classmates shut up due to her unique beauty.

Kun thought it was love at first sight, but something like that doesn't exist. What he felt in that moment was attraction, and when he began to spend more time with her, he realized that the attraction became into something more deeper. Without realizing it, he had already fallen in love.

When Kun arrived. The ship was already full of several important families; he recognized some of them, but none were Yuxin.

Where is she? if she didn't come, his plan would be in vain and he would surely sleep all day until they reached the mainland. And most importantly, he'll miss the opportunity.

Kun went to drop off his things first before looking for her, but fate saved him because there she was standing in front of her room and trying to open the door.

Kun suppressed a smile before approaching her.

"Hello" Yuxin looked up to the familiar voice and when their gazes met, Kun immediately felt butterflies in his stomach. The effect she causes on him increased his determination. I definitely won't let her leave until she knows how I feel about her.

"Hello, it seems that we'll be neighbors" she smiled and then pointed to her door embarrassed "I don't understand why it doesn't open, can you help me?"

"Sure" Kun used her card pass and she was right, it didn't open "I'll talk to the manager, you can stay in my room for a while."

He opened the door for her and left his things inside. But in the end, Yuxin decided to accompany him.

When the matter was settled and Yuxin returned to her room, Kun went over his plan to start it that same night. But, unluckily, he missed the chance to invite her to have dinner with him because Yuxin brought her friends. They were almost together all day. Maybe even to go to the washroom.

Kun sighed heavily and proceeded to eat alone under the moonlight, but couldn't put anything in his mouth because someone else sat in front of him.

"Coming here and not paying attention to me is painful, Kun." She said mockingly as she ate a piece of potato from his dinner plate.

"We both know that you're not here for that, Dasha."

She laughed and crossed her legs.

"Yeah, but you do and she's not even eating with you".

"Have you come here to make fun of me?".

"Calm down, I came to help you" Kun squinted his eyes. Dasha doesn't usually do favors, if she does it's because she has something that she wants in return. After all, she is his cousin, he knows her well.

"What do you want?" The question made her smile.

"I like that you are asking, I want you to get me a date with ChengCheng."

"What? Since when have you been interested?"

She rolled her eyes and snorted.

"Don't ask me, do we have a deal or not?" Kun stayed quiet and looked over her shoulder. Yuxin was sitting with her friends on one of the colored couches. He urged some time alone with her. He didn't think too much. Dasha was not in his plans, but she will be of help.

Sorry ChengCheng, but I need to use you.

"We have a deal".

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