01| Our time

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Kun was the first one to arrive at the apartment. He had finished filming for the last episode of Keep Running and was tired, but he didn't complain about it because he likes spending time with those people he considers his family.

He went to take a shower and then to make dinner. He wanted to have it ready before his girlfriend arrived. Yuxin had a promotional event today, and whenever their schedules had a day that coincided in the same city, they would come to hang out together.

Kun has been learning how to cook, taking his time off to watch some videos of Yuxin favorite food and read the recipes posted on the internet. He has been practicing the same dish for a few weeks now.

Minutes later Yuxin arrived. She left her things in the bedroom first and then went to the kitchen. She wasn't as expert as Kun is, but she could make soup or cook some pork ribs like she did in her Fourtry moments (improved with practice).

"Yuxin, don't worry about me. I'm almost done," Kun told her when he saw her roll up the sleeve of her clothes.

"I can help you finish it" she insisted, not wanting her boyfriend to do it all.

Kun held her shoulders to make her look at him. He was amazed. Yuxin is beautiful and much more when it's in person than through a screen. It has been almost a month now they have seen each other through video calls.

Yuxin was confused that she tilted her head and parted her lips a little when Kun still held her shoulders.

Her gesture was so tender that Kun couldn't bear it and kissed her gently. He missed her so much, he even was counting the days when they would see each other again.

Yuxin responded to the kiss seconds later. And now, all you could hear in that department was the food being made in the pan, drops falling into the sink, the cars outside and their lips moving in sync.

The two parted due to lack of air and then brought their foreheads together.

"Go shower first while I finish cooking," Kun whispered hoarsely and his girlfriend nodded without protest, perhaps because of what they did and because she was already feeling her face hot.

When they finished eating. Yuxin offered to clean, but Kun insisted on doing it himself. So in the end, they both decided to do it. One washed and the other dried.

Once they were done, they sat on the couch and put on a movie. Yuxin was sitting in the middle of his legs and Kun hugged her from behind. Every time they do this, they keep talking about what was happening throughout the movie or TV shows where one of them participates and they laugh too. But tonight Kun felt Yuxin away from him even though he held her in his arms.

He could always understand when Yuxin had something bothering her, even if she smiles and tries to pretend that she is fine.

Kun leaned forward until Yuxin's back touched his chest. He reached for her hand and linked them with his.

"Yuxin, you don't have to carry it alone. I will do it with you ".

"I know, just let's stay like this".

Kun didn't insist any more, he won't pressure her if she didn't want to talk about it, the only thing he could do was to hug her as if he could protect her from the world.


It was almost midnight when the two of them went to their respective rooms. They slept separately because neither of them had dared to ask if they could share the same bed.

Kun was in his room, his elbows were on his knee and he was looking at some point on the floor.

When it was time to sleep, he didn't want to. He wanted to hold her until the sun came up, but he knew that Yuxin won't want that, because she could be comfortable with Kun behind her as a huge pillow but he could probably wake up with a neck pain.

Yuxin has him worried that he even started to walk back and forth in his room. If he couldn't help her, at least he didn't want to leave her alone. So he left his room and knocked on her door.

"Kun, what is it?"

"Can I sleep here?" he said and Yuxin widened her eyes in surprise.

"Sure, I'll sleep in your room then."

"No, what I mean is, if I can sleep here with you?" This time, Yuxin parted her lips to say something, and then she closed them. No words came out of her mouth and she just nodded.

Thirty minutes had passed, and they were both still awake. Yuxin was playing with her fingers and Kun was struggling about what position he should sleep. In the end, Kun just stayed like a military soldier.

Time passes and neither of them sleeps. Yuxin kept moving her fingers on the sheets and Kun didn't move from his place, he was just breathing and blinking.

Between the two, Kun has always been the one to make the first move, but now that they were sharing the same bed it made him feel a bit nervous, they will probably have a hard time sleeping.

He was supposed to come here to accompany her, not to give her insomnia.

"How is your song going?" Yuxin asked in the middle of the darkness. The atmosphere became less heavy and Kun was able to relax his shoulders.

"I need to add some scenes to the MV. I want to leave a kind of message in them" he said with a half smile, remembering all those clues he would leave that revolved around the woman he loves the most.

"Your videos are great"

Now that Kun is more relaxed, he leaned on one elbow and looked at Yuxin's face from above. The moonlight bathed her features in the right places, and that made her look more delicate.

"Your songs are incredible, how are things going with the new one you are writing?" He asked and his free hand caressed her cheek.

"I've finished it, I just need to record it" she replied with a softer and lower voice. They had that atmosphere of privacy, like a couple whispering secrets in the dark.

Kun continued caressing her cheek and Yuxin raised her hand to do the same to him. Their gazes met and in them you can only see how much they love each other, but there is something in Yuxin's eyes that Kun could see, and they were sad.

She tends to keep her own problems to herself, but when someone can't handle theirs she is always there. Not being able to help her made his heart clench, but Kun wasn't going to force her. He would wait until Yuxin could share her problems and not believe that she would be a burden to others.

"Everything will be fine and things will gradually be better," he said instead. Kun knows that Yuxin is aware of that, that after a storm the sun rises, but she often needs someone to accompany her in the rain and make the trip less heavy.

"Thank you, Kun".

He kissed her forehead and then they hugged each other tightly until they could both sleep.





Hello there.

I was trying to write my first smut story but it came out this way. With Kun understanding Yuxin and being patient, and Yuxin thanking him for not leaving her alone.

Am sorry that there was only one part. Also, I'm not sure if I will leave this ending, but if I ever return to this story I will give it another one. For now, they are hugging tightly in the bed 💛💙

Thanks for reading and have a good day!

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